Official Start of Summer at The Rock begins & ends with pain

  • When:06/21/14
  • QIC: Hops
  • The PAX: Bugeater, Jamboree, Ringo (FNG Jacob H), Huck Finn, Malware (FNG Dave H), Phelps (WB), Jackie Chan, Deep Dish, The Mouth, Free Clinic (FNG Kyle P), Flipper, Sweetness, Iron Horse (WD), Stagecoach (LIFO), Rickshaw (LIFO), Slider, Hops

Official Start of Summer at The Rock begins & ends with pain

The SF was planted by Slider, and 17 men and 2.0’s attacked The Rock.


6 of the 17 posting were 2.0’s; so felt like a mini-F3 Dads; however, the workout was not fully 2.0-friendly.  It went something like this:

Jog to far lot near North Face for COP

SSH x 25 IC

Squat x 25 IC

IW x 25 IC

MC x 25 IC

Jog to rock pile near ballfield.  Select a coupon and mosey with coupon overhead to the pitch.

Partner up for the following:

Partner 1 runs to far trash can on edge of pitch.  Partner 2 does H-R Merkins. Flapjack

Partner 1 lunge walk to 2nd farthest trash can. Partner 2 overhead press with coupon.  Flapjack.

Partner 1 bearcrawl to 2nd can, crab walk back.  Partner 2 flutter kicks while pressing rock.  Flapjack.

Partner 1 bearcrawl to 2nd can, gorilla walk back.  Partner 2 Mason Twist.  Flapjack.

8’s on the Hill.  1 H-R burpee at bottom (Jamboree suggested H-R variety – great call). 7 Carolina Dry Docks at Top. 2 H-R burpees, 6 CDDS; and so on.

Mosey back to ballfield to redeposit coupons to rightful resting place; while YHC grabbed the bag of numbered tennis balls.

Mosey to Left Field line.

Each of the 2.0’s blindly draw a tennis ball from the bag.

First draw by Slider was the one ball with a 100 on it.  What are the odds?!  Unsavory!

Slider chucked the ball.  Pax did AYG run to the ball.  100 SSH (actually it was 50 IC, but that’s technically 100 count).

The other numbers drawn were 17, 25, 15, 23, & 37…not necessarily in that order.

We did high knees, buttkickers, dragon walk, bearcrawl….in between the below exercises.

Exercises we did were 15 CCVs (YHC’s favorite), 25 Dollies, 17 Makthar Ndijaye’s, 23 LBCs, and we finished with 37 Jump Squats – which was about all YHC had left in the tank.



A good crowd this morning.  YHC really enjoyed having the 2.0s with the pax.  Youngest was Phelps at age 7 – TClaps pal.  Had to modify, but not too much, so not to get the pax too strung out…thus, less running than YHC typically likes to incorporate.  Any complaints?

Great having Malware, Ringo, and Free Clinic with the pax for the first time.  Come back fellas.  It gets easier, but not too easy.  We hope to see you again soon.  How about Monday morning at 0530 @ Base Camp at South Charlotte Middle?

T-claps to Jamboree for doing a pre-run by himself no less after missing the Day Zero pre-run crew.

And a partial Kotters to Bugeater who’s off IR.  Glad you’re on the mend.

Also, T-claps to my 2.0 Slider for taking us out with a great prayer.


F3 Dads every Saturday (not sure duration) at 0900 at Beatty Park in Matthews.  Boys & girls welcome with dad.

MudRun signup for fall USMC race is live.

USA v Portugal 6pm Sunday.  Viewing locales for some of the pax: Yellow Rose, Beantown in Matthews….and keep on eye on twitter for others.  #ibelieve



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