F3 Kevlar 6.20.14
22 of Charlottes finest sure did enjoy some good old southern muscle screamin’ workin’ out on this here fine morning.
Circle up:
-SSH X 15
-Merkins X 15
-Imperial Walker X 15
3 laps around small track.
-10 burpees after each lap
Mosey to get rocks:
-Each person gets a rock.
Mosey to ball field:
-Get into groups of 3
-Partner #1 gets on 1st base line.
-Partner #2 gets on 3rd base line.
-Partner #3 gets ready to run.
3 rounds
First Round:
P1: Bicep curls
P2: Tricep overhead extensions
P3: 10 burpees & 1 lap around outfield.
-All 3 partners flap jack until each has completed all 3 stations.
Second round:
P1: Squat presses
P2: Louganis’ w/rock
P3: Same as above
-All 3 partners flap jack until each has completed all 3 stations.
Third Round:
P1: Stagger merkins on rocks
P2: Russian twists
P3: Same as above.
-All 3 partners flap jack until each has completed all 3 stations.
Mosey to play ground for some more rounds!
P1: Dips on benches
P2: Pull-ups on bars
P3: Donkey kick merkins on swings
Rinse & repeat 3 times.
Mosey back to field/track for Mary/Name-o-Rama.
-LBC X 15
As always, it was sure a pleasure to lead such fine fellas. The workout did not help my form while fly fishing on the river today at all & apparently the trout decided my presentations were off enough that they didn’t want to give it a go. Oh well, I got my workout in!
-Country Livin’
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