Kevlar with a Country Kick!

  • When:06/20/14
  • QIC: Country Livin
  • The PAX: Country Livin' (QIC), Tiger Rag, Turkey Leg, Flutie Flakes, Brown, Sussudio, Cottontail, Cottonmouth, Voodoo, Scratch 'N Win, Orange Whip, Kiber, Header, Toxic Asset, Good Hands, Rhapsody, Fathers Bum, Sanka, sound off if missed

Kevlar with a Country Kick!

F3 Kevlar 6.20.14

22 of Charlottes finest sure did enjoy some good old southern muscle screamin’ workin’ out on this here fine morning.


Circle up:
-SSH X 15
-Merkins X 15
-Imperial Walker X 15

3 laps around small track.
-10 burpees after each lap

Mosey to get rocks:
-Each person gets a rock.

Mosey to ball field:
-Get into groups of 3
-Partner #1 gets on 1st base line.
-Partner #2 gets on 3rd base line.
-Partner #3 gets ready to run.

3 rounds

First Round:
P1: Bicep curls
P2: Tricep overhead extensions
P3: 10 burpees & 1 lap around outfield.
-All 3 partners flap jack until each has completed all 3 stations.

Second round:
P1: Squat presses
P2: Louganis’ w/rock
P3: Same as above
-All 3 partners flap jack until each has completed all 3 stations.

Third Round:
P1: Stagger merkins on rocks
P2: Russian twists
P3: Same as above.
-All 3 partners flap jack until each has completed all 3 stations.

Mosey to play ground for some more rounds!

P1: Dips on benches
P2: Pull-ups on bars
P3: Donkey kick merkins on swings

Rinse & repeat 3 times.

Mosey back to field/track for Mary/Name-o-Rama.

-LBC X 15

As always, it was sure a pleasure to lead such fine fellas. The workout did not help my form while fly fishing on the river today at all & apparently the trout decided my presentations were off enough that they didn’t want to give it a go. Oh well, I got my workout in!

-Country Livin’

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Bulldog author

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