Substitute Teachers

  • When:06/17/14
  • QIC: Chelms (MIA)
  • The PAX: Splinter*, Soul Glo, Sprout, 49er, Slim Fast, Gummy*, Lex Luthor, Mr. Brady, Turkey Leg* *substitute round-robin Qs

Substitute Teachers

After falling victim to a devastating lacrosse injury late Monday evening, our Q took a day off while 9 men from Fast Twitch took it out to the street, led by a motley crew of subs.

The Thang:

Gummy: Full speed out to Rising Meadow.  Ladder sprints on hill up to 7.  Burpees at bottom, jumpsquats at top.

Splinter:  Indian run out to RainTree.  AYG sprint to 51.  LBCs till all pax arrive.   AYG to Serendipity, more LBCs till pax arrive.  AYG to Strawberry, merkins till pax arrive.

Turkey Leg:  Indian Run to Davie Park.  Partner up.  Partner A run around top lot to playground, 20x merkins, 20x jump-ups, 20x dips, run back to mid-point.  Partner B run down to back lot and return to midpoint. Whoever arrives first LBCs till the other arrives. flapjack.  repeato.  flutter x42; walking lunges down to gate.  Mosey up to playground for trail run back to launch point.  Wall squats, arm lifts 42x; 10 burpees.

Mileage: 5.2



  • We learned about the missing Q about 2 minutes prior to launch.   Gummy, who has an aversion to track work, made sure to take over and lead the pack in exactly the opposite direction of the track – good move, though splinter almost brought us back to the school at which point we would have needed to run some 1600s. 
  • Good news is that despite any planning at all, we ended up with a fairly typical Fast Twitch workout – good mix of bootcamp and running. 
  • Glad to see Gummy and Splinter stepping up as 1st time Qs for FT.   We’ll get you guys into the official rotation.  (though after the impromptu blitz today, not sure if we really need planned Qs) 
  • Missed ya today Chelms – get better soon!


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Turkey Leg author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

Sorry for the late notice – although I did tweet TL and Gummy at like 4:45 so it was more than a couple minutes. I had every intention of making it until I woke up at 2:30 withe ankle telling me otherwise.

Love the picture. Pretty much looks like what happened to me.

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