Swift will launch at 0515 on Tuesday from the Ballantyne AO at the Vine Restaurant. We will drop off any Bagpipers at 0530, but the expectation is that Swifters will be ready to go at 0530 without additional warm-up (in other words, show up at 0515).
Phase 1 was intro to Speed and Interval workouts mostly focused around the Repetition Pace (1 mile race pace) for shorter 200 and 400m intervals. Phase 2 is to add more Interval-Pace (2 mile race pace) as the BRR gets closer (about 80 days away). We’ll not go longer than a few minutes per interval tomorrow, but we are focusing on the I-pace. Find yours here based on a recent race result ==> http://runsmartproject.com/calculator
See you in the gloom!
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