At 5:30 on (and off) the Charlotte Christian campus 7 brave souls set forth for a Friday the 13th special edition of the Joust.
The Thang:
Jog to field: Karyoke, Lunge walk
Warm-up: Side Straddle Hops, Sumo Squats
Off Campus: Jump the fence, Grab a rock, Jog to Boyce Park
Rocky Shores: Squats, Clean-and-Press, One-legged squat and hold, Curl-and-Press, Merkins on Rock, People’s Chair (with partner)
Relay Races around the Bases/Making Rock Piles
Rocky Mary: Flutter, Dolly, Freddy Mercury, Russian Twist
Jog Home
Up and Under on the Stairs
Guest Q’s: Burpees (Lobster Roll), Imperial Walker (Mr. Brady), Hand Release Merkins (Blue Rhino)
Naked Moleskin:
It didn’t seem that muggy when we started. Evidentially it was a good morning to get wet and muddy though. I needed two towels on the way home to protect the car.
I figured Friday the 13th was a good day for a little extra fun. Boyce Park must be haunted by ghosts of inhabitants past. Pax seemed to be repetitively possessed by these souls in their sppoky mumble chatter. You had to be there to experience the true spine-tingling/bone-chilling/butt-clenching nature of such erie comments.
Bats (flying overhead) and Coyotes (at least their footprints) also joined us this morning.
A good time and hard work was had by all. Sprecial props to Baracus, Mr. Brady, and Big Top for jogging in to the workout. I noticed them walking home though.
Ha! Yeah after the beatdown needed a few minutes to catch my breath before starting the jog back. I could tell though that Baracus and Mr. Brady were itching to get going. Thought at least half dozen times about peeling off from them on the way back but the accountability kept me going – thanks fellas. Enjoyed it Shore, thanks for Q’ng.
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