Parachute Sprints, a Fire Hose and Gear at SPEARHEAD?

  • When:06/06/14
  • QIC: The Hoff
  • The PAX: Culkin, Sasquatch, Cobra Kai, Angler, Liquor Cycle, AP, Dora, Mr. Hankey, The Hoff (QIC)

Parachute Sprints, a Fire Hose and Gear at SPEARHEAD?

SPEARHEAD brought out some today today and headed in a new direction as 9 Pax were welcomed to a 15 station rotation featuring a lot of gear.  It was 45 minutes of pain, Varsity Style, and just what the Dr. ordered for Welcome Party Training (from DFQ cardio perspective)..

The Thang:


     – Pax spreads out in a wide circle

     – P1 performs Hariburners with 45lbs Plate around the inside of the circle

     – P1 pushing plate calls out exercise for Pax to do Non-Stop until plate makes it all the way around

     – P1 hands plate off to P2 and P2 pushes around circle.

     – Flapjack until all Pax have gone

Exercises Called Out:

     – Flutter Kick

      – Merkins

       – Squats

       – Manmakers

       – Overhead Press

       – Dolly

       – Monkey Humpers

Circus of Pain:

     – 15 Stations

     – Firehose or Parachute station was the timer, YHC called out ” TIME” and Pax moved to next station

     – Rinse and Repeat without breaks

Station 1: 50 yard Sprint to Picnic Tables, Perform 5 Box Jumps, 50 yard sprint back

Station 2: Farmer Carry (2) 55lbs Kettle Bells 70 yards (35 yards up and 35 yards Back)

Station 3: Jump Rope Non-Stop

Station 4: Sled Pull with 190Lbs loaded on

Station 5: Parachute Sprint x 150 yards (75 up and 75 back)

Station 6: Kettle Bell Swing with 55lbs Kettle Bell

Station 7: Hair Burners with 45lbs Plates x 30 yards (15 yards up and 15 yards back)

Station 8: Ruck Manmakers

Station 9: Over-Ruck Single Leg Jumping Mountain Climbers

Station 10: Medicine Ball Squat Thrust Throw – catch on single bounce and Squat Thrust Throw over and over

Station 11: Rope Pull Ups (yes…you read that right, a rope slung over the backetball goal, and with a rope in each hand perform as many pull ups as you can)

Station 12: Ruck Curls

Station 13: Duck Walk

Station 14: Goblet Squats

Station 15: FIRE HOSE Run 100 Yards (50 Yards Up, 50 Yards Back)

Time 45 Minutes



What a morning we had out there!  Lots of gear and switching from cardio to strength with every other station.  It definitely kept the heat rate maxed the whole time.  Thank you Bryon for loaning me some extra gear to make this work and Dora for lettimg me come over and pick up all this stuff. 

Today was about 1 thing….How far could you push yourself.  How can you break through your personal plateau?  Hopefully we answered those questions as it was you against yourself. 

I’ll never forget Dora laying on the Fire Hose has Mr. Hankey pulled him…bruit strength and a nice break for Dora to kick back, relax and enjoy the ride

Also, LC for his weaving in and around all the Pax during NASCAR warm up

Thank you for our SC brothers from Thursday’s SPEARHEAD Lunch Workout, Cobra Kai and Sasquatch for making the trip.  You guys are total badasses and can’t wait to workout more with you.

All others, OUTSTANDING work today!

As always, it is a blessing for us to have the resources and good people to train with day in and day out.  It was my pleasure to lead such strong men and thank you for brining your A game today.  Respectfully, The Hoff

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10 years ago

Great stations of pain and cardio all in one! NEVER bring back that 45 lb plate for hair burns…NEVER.

10 years ago

Well, I was impressed watching Liquor Cycle scoot around the Pax circle doing the NASCAR slalom! It looked like our QIC used Gorilla Glue to attach used bubblegum to the bottom os the 45# plate. The bubble gum trick aside, great job Hoff. Thanks.

Big League Chew
10 years ago

Wow, that was ugly. Been rucking at Topsail with BTB all week.

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