A lucky 13 came out to The Maul this week, including one FNG – now “JR” – and one PAX new to The Maul – Stone Cold. With that in mind, we made sure they both saw all the place has to offer.
The Thang:
Mosey to parking lot for warm-up: 30 SSH, 20 IW, and 20 mountain climbers (all IC).
Pyramid of burpees: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. In between each set was an exercise: Merkins X10 IC, Squats X 10 IC, LBCs X 20 IC, Diamond Merkins X 15, One long lap around Target building (est. 600M), 10 jump squats, 20 mason twists (IC), 15 Carolina Dry Docks.
Mosey to fountains to see the sun rise and hear the Vegas-style soft rock music. Beautiful.
15 dips, 20 step ups, 15 decline merkins, 20 flutters. Rinse and repeat.
Mosey to everyone’s favorite hill, i.e. the big one. Partner 1 bear crawl to the top and do 10 merkins. Partner 2 = dollies. Flapjack.
Mosey to smaller hill. Run up backwards, 5 squats, jog down, 10 merkins, repeat.
Mary: Rosalita x 20, slow bicycle x 15, merkins x 10, hold plank, merkins x 5, protractor (lead by Mic Check, with 10 counts from various PAX).
It was a grueling protractor and it has to be said that YHC let his feet touch the ground and Haggis called me out for it. #embarrassment. But that’s what it’s about sometimes… iron sharpens iron. I’ll keep ’em up next time.
Announcements: F3 Dads in June, F3 Olympics and Pool Party 6/14. Stone Cold also announced that F3 Charlotte North is holding what they call “The Bear” this weekend. Basically a long run between their various workout sites with some exercises at each site. A good thing to participate in and maybe something for AREA 51 to consider???
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