If you giveth, you better be able to taketh

  • When:06/05/14
  • QIC: Spackler
  • The PAX: Semi Gloss (KB), Sunrise, Splinter, Radar, Outback, Frehley's Comet (WD), Crabcake (KB), Heartbreaker, Peaches, Philmont, Hacksaw, Strawberry, Gummy, Boomer Sooner, PH, Hairball

If you giveth, you better be able to taketh

2 pax for pre KB and 15 more showed for the main dish at #F3RebelYell.

The Thang

Mosey in front of movie theatre


25 SSH

Stretch the hammies and quads while Q gives the disclaimer

25 IW

Mosey to Murderhorn (becoming a fan favorite)

Pyramid – run the Murderhorn down and back and perform exercise

10 jump squats

20 jumping lunges

30 deep squat

40 bear humpers

100 calf raises

40 CDD’s

30 wide arm merkins

20 regular merkins

Out of time – mosey back to car


~ 3.7 miles – all hill


Just as YHC was laying his head down on his pillow last night, the phone started going off crazy with texts.  Some talk about telling some folks to keep their shirts on and then the unthinkable.  Hazing the following morning Q.  Wow.  Balls.  Couldn’t sleep.  Actually dreamt about it.  Woke up with a deep dark hatred in my heart which exploded on the unlucky pax.  Murderhorn it would be.  For.  The.  Entire.  Time.  Sorry to the site FNG’s Gummy and Sunrise although they both impressed with their effort.  Blame Purple Haze.  He was all boozed up last night firing off beligerent texts.

Splinter is becoming quite the runner as he led the Pax most of the time.  Purple Haze, Boomer Sooner and Hairball stayed pretty close.  Radar went out the gates hot again.  Only to slow down substantially.  YHC just hung in the middle if for only to keep notes on everyone – atleast that is how I saw it.  Philmont must have mugged some old lady in the neighborhood as he arrived at COT with someone’s debit card and reading glasses.

No matter how you slice it, that hill is murderous.  It has become YHC’s favorite displeasure.  Honored to lead and look forward to do so again soon.

Thank you to our site chaplain for the send off.  #strong

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10 years ago

Substantially is a little extreme. I was up there. Kind of. Until the last one. TClaps to Splinter for (after some challenging) hauling up some neighborhood dude that was 3/4 up the hill and him at the bottom. Much respect. Well until you and Semi Gloss took your shirts off at the same time and kept looking at each other. And then HAze comments on your waist line later in the day. Yack! Nice thoughtless, very painful Q Spackler

10 years ago

Rough first visit to the Stonecrest AO. I heard of this Murderhorn, so I guess it’s good that I got the worst of it on my first visit. That workout was Muthaship-esque. Throw in an AYG sprint up the hill at the end and you’re in the neigborhood. I saw that there’s another hill going the other direction at the bottom of the Murderhorn. You could definitely host a regular Muthaship style A51 workout there.

Nice Q Spackler.

Purple Haze
10 years ago

No booze last night…just plenty of spunk. And stupidity as it turns out. Murderhorn is awful, just plain brutality that seems to never end. And the bear squats followed by the calf raises almost did me in. I’ll definitely keep my mouth shut…until the next time.

10 years ago

200% Humidity + Murderhorn = sweatfest. Ruined a suit today from all the perspiration. Thankful the school bus drove by during merkins instead of bear squats. Solid Q Spackler. Was totally sniping you for a jailbreak run to the COT.

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