8 men took to the Foxhole for some partner exercises & high rep burn:
SSH x 25
Imperial Walker x 20
Merkins x 15
Mountain Climbers x 20
To the field, partner up:
Partner 1 = 2-hand swings x 25
Partner 2 = AMRAP merkins
Flapjack and repeat x 3
Partner 1 = goblet squats x 15
Partner 2 = AMRAP mountain climbers
Flapjack and repeat x 3
Partner 1 = hammer curls x 20
Partner 2 = AMRAP squats
Flapjack and repeat x 3
Mosey to the other side of field:
Partner 1 = plank rows (left) x 10
Partner 2 = LBCs
Flapjack and repeat x 2
Partner 1 = plank rows (right) x 10
Partner 2 = flutter
Flapjack and repeat x 2
Partner 1 = KB overhead press x 10
Partner 2 = AMRAP merkins
Flapjack and repeat x 3
Partner 1 = 1-hand swing x 10 (left)
Partner 2 = mountain climbers
Flapjack and repeat x 2
Partner 1 = 1-hand swing x 10 (right)
Partner 2 = squats
Flapjack and repeat x 2
Partner 1 = 1-hand overhead press x 10 (left)
Partner 2 = merkins
Flapjack and repeat x 2
Partner 1 = 1-hand overhead press x 10 (right)
Partner 2 = mountain climbers
Flapjack and repeat x 2
LBCs x 15
Dolly w/ KB press x 15
Flutter w/ KB press x 15
Dying cockroach x 10
Russian Twists w/ KB x 15
Head back home
15 sumo squats OYO
Backward lunge w/ KB x 10 (each leg)
Check weekly e-mail for details on pool party (6/14/14) HC on evite
Area 51 CSAUP Olympics
F3 Dads (delaying start due to multiple events on 6/14
KB clinic this Saturday before The Rock: 6am – 6:50am with Tiger Rag & Byron
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