Oylmpus’ Gear Day

  • When:05/31/14
  • QIC: The Hoff
  • The PAX: Bryon, Dora, Hacker, Gullah, The Hoff (QIC)

Oylmpus’ Gear Day

Olympus heads into a new direction as 5 Pax were welcomed to an 11 station rotation featuring a lot of gear.  It was to be an hour of pain, Varsity Style.

The Thang:

Warm Up In Cadence:

SSH x 30

Windmills x 15

Arm Rotations x 30

Circus of Pain:

     – 11 Stations

     – Station 1 was the timer, when station 1 was completed, All Pax drop what they were doing to Run to next station

     – Rinse and Repeat without breaks

Station 1: 75 yard Sprint to Track, Perform 10 Box Jumps, 75 yard sprint back

Station 2: Farmer Carry (2) 55lbs Kettle Bells 60 yards

Station 3: Jump Rope Non-Stop

Station 4: Sled Pull with 190Lbs loaded on

Station 5: 200 Meter Sprint

Station 6: Kettle Bell Swing with 45lbs Kettle Bell

Station 7: Hair Burners with (2) 25Lbs Plates (1 for each hand)

Station 8: Ruck Bone Crusher (105 Lbs Sand Bag filled with sand and weight plates) 60 Yards

Station 9: 40′ Firehose Sprint 50 yards down until end passes cone; grab other end and sprint 50 yards back

Station 10: Medicine Ball Squat Thrust Throws (catching ball after 1 bounce and squat throw again, over and over) 35lbs Ball

Station 11: Rope Pull Ups (yes…you read that right, a rope slung over the backetball goal, and with a rope in each hand perform as many pull ups as you can)

Time 50 Minutes – 10 Left for KB work

Jack Webb: Kettle Belll Press/ Bicep Curl

KB Press x 1 / KB Bicep Curl x 4

KB Press x 2 / KB Bicep Curl x 8

KB Press x 3 / KB Bicep Curl x 12

KB Press x 4 / KB Bicep Curl x 16

KB Press x 5 / KB Bicep Curl x 20


KB Press x 20 / KB Bicep Curl x 5

KB Press x 16 / KB Bicep Curl x 4

KB Press x 12 / KB Bicep Curl x 3

KB Press x 8 / KB Bicep Curl x 2

KB Press x 4 / KB Bicep Curl x 1


Flutter Kick – Dolly Combo with KB Press (every 4 reps switch from flutter to dolly and so on) x 20

LBC x 100 OYO



What a morning we had out there!  Lots of gear and switching from cardio to strength with every other station.  It definitely kept the heat rate maxed out for an hour.  Thank you Bryon for loaning me some extra gear to make this work and Dora for lettimg me come over and pick up all this stuff. 

T-Claps to Hacker as he’s the most loyal and hardest working person I know.  Never complains, doesn’t say much at all durinng the workouts and you can see such intensity and focus when he’s crushing it out there. 

Extra Claps to Gullah who was flexible enough to let me change our planned routine at 8pm the night before #pleasantlysuprised!

As always, it is a blessing for us to have the resources and good people to train with day in and day out.  It was my pleasure to lead such strong men and thank you for brining your A game today.  Olympus is gearing up!

Respectfully, The Hoff


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