Valuable Feedback (Haggis late with post)

  • When:05/27/14
  • QIC: Mermaid
  • The PAX: Brisket, Peaches, Mic Check, Jamboree, Cane, Haggis, Sunrise, Spinner, Honeybee, Rolling Rock, Rock Thrill, Abacus, Frehley’s Comet, Great Lakes, Dirty Diana, Loogey, Morning After, Soft Pretzel, Garbage Plate, Mr. Bean, Bratwurst, Mermaid

Valuable Feedback (Haggis late with post)

Haggis posting for Mermaid. Haggis to blame for this being late – sorry!

Balmy conditions for Bagpipe/Swift.  Several for pre-Swift warm-up and stretch session.  Run group pulled in with a few minutes to spare prior to launch.  Bootcamp group followed YHC and Swift followed Bratwurst.


Short mosey up past bagel shop down the hill to parking lot


SSH x20 (IC)

IW x20 (IC)

Mountain Climber x20 (IC)-hold plank

Merkin x15 (IC)

Squat x20 (IC)

Plank: RLH/10 merkin/LLH 10 merkin-hold plank

Plank Walk left-right x20 (IC)

10 Double-Press Burpees OYO

Mosey to pond by 2 office buildings behind hotel to middle building

Grab a piece of bench

3-Exercise Bench Set

Jump-up x15

Dip x15

Derkin x15

Plank to wait for PAX to finish


Bicycle x30 (IC)

Repeat Bench Set

Plank-o-rama: RLH-10 merkin/6 inches/LLH-10 merkin/6 inches

People’s Chair: Arms out/10 count

Group Laps around Pond (approx 1/3 mile) with 3 Stops (x2)

Lap 1: 20 merkin/20 jump squat/20 incline merkin

Plank at launch: RAH/RLH/LAH/LLH/6 inches

Repeat Bench Set

People’s Chair: arms above head

Lap 2: 10 Burpee OYO/MARY: Dolly x20/Protractor/Heels to Heaven x20/Squat x20

Repeat Bench Set

Plank-o-rama: RH back pocket/LH back pocket/6 inches-10 count/10 diamond merkin

Move from terrace to grass in front of pond

Jack Webb

2 merkin/8 air press

4 merkin/16 air press

6 merkin/24 air press

8 merkin/32 air press

10 merkin/40 air press

Half lap around pond to parking lot next to hotel

Lunge walk approximately 75 yards

10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to lot


Rosalita x30 (IC)—Swift group joined here

Dolly x30 (IC)

Mosey to launch lot


Good numbers for a Tuesday after a 3-day weekend.  The PAX were roughly 15:10 boot camp: Swift.  Strong work by all PAX today.  Heard a little mumblechatter about the volume of merkin.  Merkin count: approximately 245. Easy on the run at 1.65 miles total.  YHC appreciates the opportunity to lead the strong PAX of Bagpipe.  Fairly certain Haggis is enjoying Swift and would like others to take a Q so he can keep running.  On the ride home Cane told YHC it was a good one, but not as hard as YHC’s other Qs.  This valuable feedback is very much appreciated and the challenge is accepted.  YHC took group out in BOM.


6/14: F3 Charlotte South CSAUP Olympics – 0600-0800 South Charlotte Middle School (Death Valley)

6/14: Epic 2nd Annual School’s Out / Summer’s In Pool Party – Sat, 6/14, 6-9 pm. Bring a dish & BYOB. $10 per family. HC via Evite.

6/14: Bike Ride for AG Kids – Farside organizing bike ride with kids at AG for June 14 at Francis Beatty park. Far Side will be providing more info soon.

2nd F: Charlotte Knights – Any pax interested in stepping up to Q Charlotte Knights game uptown please reach out to Bugeater at

New South Charlotte School Tutoring Program – Any PAX interested helping with setting up and running a tutoring program in Area 51, can contact Champagne (Brett Briggs) at

Area 51 Service Opportunity – Area 51 is working with Church on The Street (COTS). We have committed to assist one Sunday a month and will need 5 volunteers each time.  See website for sign-up.

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Haggis author

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10 years ago

2 PAX names were not audible on my recording and I could not recall them from memory. My apologies. If you read this, give yourself credit in this comment section.

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