Get pumped for the pool

  • When:05/23/14
  • QIC: Bulldog
  • The PAX: Lazy Boy, Country Livin, Young Love, Cottonmouth, Cottontail, Busch, Brown, Alf, Stagecoach, Country Livin, FNG - Doodles, Pudding Pop, Runstopper, PBQB, Chanel, Big League Chew (WD), Turkey Leg, Fletch, Stagecoach, Bulldog, Hairband, Donkey Kong, Hacker, missing a few - sound off below

Get pumped for the pool

24 pax responded to the call of the ultimate pool workout but only two heeded the call to go sleeveless. Chest and bi’s were the name of the game off the bat.


Partner up, grab a KB, and circle up.
SSH x 16
IW x 16
Parker Peters x 16
Right arm high
Left arm high
Six inches for a Country Livin 10 count

Circle of Pain
Kettlebell curls alternate around circle for biceps.
Different chest work out in between bells all to 10 count in cadence.
Pax move clockwise to get taste of different weighted KB’s

Partner runs hill
Other partner does burpees with knee tuck
Combine for 50

Merkin ladder
Partner up and then 8,6,4,2 merkins in parking spots and race partner around lap in opposite directions.

Group 1 – sprint to fence and back
Group 2 – tri dips on picnic table
Group 3 – donkey kicks with merkin on swing
Group 4 – pull ups

Rotate when running group returns

Repeato x 3

Mosey back to school – jail break to flag pole

Circle of pain round 2
KB curls on bell
Abs in between


It was all about the chest and bi’s for the Kevlar workout today. The pre tweet mentioned showing off the guns and only YHC and Runstopper were brave enough to participate. The rest of the pax were soon wishing they’d left the sleeves at home as they got swolled up real quick in the circle of pain. The silver bell was certainly a doozie to curl when it came time as was Big League Chew’s mammoth 53 pounder. As we headed out of the COP Runstopper pulled a Semi Gloss and left the shirt behind but thankfully Donkey King left his on!
Kotters to Cottonmouth for taking the time to post after all of his time spent on the golf outing. He was certainly feeling it on the burpee hill combo – as were the rest of us.
Switched things up today by hitting the playground to knock out a few pull-ups now that we have some daylight which worked well. Welcome to FNG Doodles named after the Chic Fil A cow!
All in all a good workout which should make sure that we are all pumped for the pool this weekend.
Enjoy time with your family and friends this Memorial Day weekend.



Monday workouts converge at Matrix and Foxhole
July 14th is F3 pool party

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Bulldog author

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Hair Band
10 years ago

Great beach body beatdown!

T-claps to Runstopper for the encouragement (and boost) on the pullups, they have always been a struggle for me.

10 years ago

Nice workout this morning Bulldog. I’ll be sure to tell everyone at the pool its Body by Bulldog (the non-professional).

Also – it’s fine if some of you want to go sleeveless or shirtless on chest/arms day. All I’m saying is that I am not showing up to see what happens on legs/glutes day.

10 years ago

You have less time to get buff than you think–pool party is June 14 (not July 14 as stated above).

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