The Hand Release Box Jump Burpee

  • When:05/22/14
  • QIC: Mall Cop
  • The PAX: Harley, Run Stopper, Cole Slaw, Morning After, Brisket, Hopper, Egypt, Commodore, Gummy, Puddin Pop, Zima, Country Living, Caloway, Baracus, Fletch, Yankee, Stage Coach, Flutie Flakes, Star Fish, Gullah, Deep Dish, Philmont, Rashard, The Hoff, Mr. Hanky, Wolfman, Mall Cop

The Hand Release Box Jump Burpee

27 pax posted for a BeatDown and YHC had 2 objectives for this morning’s gloom; 1) Deliver a workout worthy of living up to the #F3Hydra multi-headed beasts name and what we’ve come to expect when we post on Thursdays, and 2) Introduce 2 variations of a new exercise to try to slow down Run Stopper’s insane burpee cadence and speed. This is how it all went down:


The Thang:

Run around the front of the school to the opposite parking lot as I hear call outs of “Mall Cop, you’re heading the wrong way! We usually run the other direction!”

Quick COP:

SSH x 25

Squats x 20

Merkins x 15

Enough of a warmup, mosey to the concession area and find a picnic bench, retaining wall, or bleachers for an exercise to try to slow down the insane BEAST (Run Stopper).

Round 1: The Hand Release Box Jump Burpee x 15, go down to the plank position of the burpee and do a hand release merkin, then come up and perform a box jump up onto a bench.

Round 2: The Double Merkin Box Jump Burpee x 15, at the plank position of the burpee do 2 Merkins, then come up and perform a box jump up onto a bench.

Mosey over to the large field between the baseball diamonds where YHC had shown up early to lay out 4 cones 33 yards apart for a total right at 100 yards.

YHC wanted to bring a taste of an early #F3FastTwitch workout that Sprague had Qed to the pax. Sprint all you’ve got 100 yards x 10. YHC timed it to where every 20 seconds we started the next sprint. So if it took you 13 seconds to sprint the 100 yards you would have 17 seconds of recovery time.

Line up along the first cone for the 100 yard Beast, 6 of the exercise called at each of 6 cones.

Round 1) Merkins

Round 2) Squats

Round 3) LBCs

Round 4) Carolina Dry Docks

Round 5) Flutters

Round 6) Burpees

Partner up for some core work with 10 MOM. In honor of Egypt posting at Hydra this morning now that he lives closer to our AO, YHC felt it was time to introduce the Hydra pax to an exercise that Egypt and Malko introduced to me a year and a half ago at Armor. We had a visit from The Granny! This isn’t your normal sweet granny that we all love that knits and bakes, etc… No, this is a mean, old, relentless lady who won’t let up on the pain! Partner 1 planks holding Partner 2’s feet. Partner 2 does AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) old fashioned sit-ups for 30 seconds, then holds upper body in a 45 degree angle with your arms crossed for 15 secs, look up to the sky for another 15 secs, hold your arms overhead for 15 secs, bring your arms back in crossed over your chest for 15 more secs, then end it with 30 more secs of AMRAP sit-ups. FLAPJACK.

Flutter x 25

Dollies x 20


Naked Moleskin:

Great muggy, warm morning for a workout this morning and this one was sure to make you sweat! There were no 10 counts today as YHC wanted to keep it moving with an up-tempo, non-stop pain today. It did pay to be a winner and early finisher on the Beast to get a couple seconds rest as YHC called the next exercise and off we went as soon as the last pax finished the last rep of the previous round.

We all know how good & fast Run Stopper is at performing burpees , so YHC thought I would try to slow him down with the new box jump burpees. All I did was slow the rest of us down as he was done both rounds with his 15 by the time everyone else finished their 10th! We have the women of the Reebock Crossfit to thank for that one as I couldn’t help but notice them performing the box jump burpees as I walked out the Mint Street Parking deck to my car last week to drive home after work.

It was great having Egypt (Best Nickname in All of F3 by the way) out with us this morning, as well as Starfish from the Winston Salem Pax in town with us.


Spearhead Memorial Ruck this weekend at 7:00 in the University Area, look for the announcement on If you can’t attend you can still contribute to the foundation set-up for the family.

Day Zero 1 Year Anniversary this Sat with The Rock and O

Memorial Day Convergence at Symphony Park in South Park on Monday.

If you’re interested in the BRR please see Baracus as there may already be a spot on one of our Area 51 teams and there are sure to be a couple of injuries leading up to the race.

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10 years ago

Great Q Mallcop! I have not been able to sit at any angle today other than an exact 90 degrees or I scream out in pain due to The Granny… it was obviously powerful stuff! Great work.

10 years ago

And I’ll take the Granny to one more degree of separation…I first endured it courtesy of Blue, at Atlas, sometime in early 2012. Spooky Jon held my feet. You never forget your first time…

The Hoff
The Hoff
10 years ago

Outstanding Q Mall Cop! That was a grade A Beatdown.

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