9 men met at Devil’s Turn this AM to run and then like some kind of magic show we were 10. Bratwurst just loves his random appearances at the S. Charlotte track.
The plan was the standard tempo run format with the Progressive Difficulty Matrix to keep everyone honest (the faster you run, the farther you run).
Before starting, the PAX enjoyed watching Marvel driving in circles around the Bevington Place median just trying to figure out how to park at the corner of Bevington and Rea. Don’t worry, next time you will do the mock right turn, U-turn, left turn, then immediate right turn that we have all learned to do in one fluid motion. #ittakespractice Seriously though, we were glad to have you out. Hope you make DT a stepping stone on your way to your first half-marathon in the fall. Great first post!
YHC believes we have now officially turned Horsehead into a runner during his IR from bootcamps. Prohibition and Hannibal are also becoming downright dependable at Devil’s Turn. Nice job on the three-in-a-row posts. Running beasts those two. See you next week!
Long Haul and Jamboree always bring the intensity. There is no stopping those trains once they leave the station. #fullheadofsteam
Once Bratwurst joined us at the track, the conversation turned to the upcoming F3 Olympics and how the events would be handicapped or not handicapped. A full on debate ensued while continuing to circle the track. This was just too much for Bratwurst who just wants some running purity out there and he channeled Mr. T telling us to basically “quit yo jibba jabba.”
This is about when Brat and The Leg left Haggis and YHC in the dust. We probably deserved it since the debate about the Olympics continued the whole way back to the parking lot. Warning though, if you leave a Scotsman and a Georgia redneck to scheme on CSAUP Olympic events, you never know what is going to come out. Beware!
– Wingman is out on IR this week and some of next week due to a minor shoulder procedure. We are looking forward to seeing him out soon. Lucky for us, you can still run with a healing shoulder.
– F3 Charlotte South CSAUP Olympics on June 14 from 6:00 – 8:00 am. Pool Party that night.
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