Preblast: Devil’s Turn 5/15

  • When:05/15/14
  • QIC: Honey Bee and Bratwurst

Preblast: Devil’s Turn 5/15

For the May 15 edition of Devil’s Turn, there are two options.  Both options launch at 5:15am from the greenway parking lot at the corner of Rea Rd. and Bevington Place.

Option 1) Straight Tempo Pace – Go to and calculate your Marathon and Threshold paces.  We will all warm up for 1 mile together and then hold a pace between Marathon and Threshold for the rest of the workout.  PAX will leave the track at different times based on pace in order to return to the parking lot by 6:10am.  Use the following matrix for easy calculation. 


Option 2) Go to  and calculate your Threshold pace. Warm up with the group for 1 mile.  Begin 3 miles at Threshold pace ending at some point around the track.  Proceed into a 5 min jog.  Then begin 10x100m intervals around the track and partially extending into the run back.  Use the chart above to calculate when you need to head back (will need to estimate an average pace if some of the 100m intervals are needed on the run back. 

Don’t let the complicated directions concern you.  If you have questions, just come out and run.  Bratwurst will have his arm computer and can explain Option 2. 

See you in the gloom!

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Honey Bee author

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10 years ago

I like simple things, like

– manual roll up windows in my truck
– little baby ducks
– OTs Velcro shoes

I’ll be there, nonetheless.

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