How Far Do We Have To Push This Sled?

  • QIC: 05/09/14
  • The PAX: Angler, ODB, Mr. Hanky, Double Trouble, The Hoff, Clueless, Liquor Cycle (QIC)

How Far Do We Have To Push This Sled?

The Dawn of the Liquor Cycle part 2 had 7 guys sucking wind, muscles on fire and working as a team today at SPEARHEAD!

The Thang

IW x 25

Merkins x 20

8 Count Body Builders x 15

Jack Webb Shoulder Press/Merkins

Merkins x 1 / Shoulder Press x 4

Merkins x 2 / Shoulder Press x 8

Merkins x 3 / Shoulder Press x 12

Merkins x 4 / Shoulder Press x 16

Merkins x 5 / Shoulder Press x 20

Merkins x 6 / Shoulder Press x 24

Merkins x 7 / Shoulder Press x 28

Merkins x 8 / Shoulder Press x 32

Merkins x 9 / Shoulder Press x 36

Merkins x 10 / Shoulder Press x 40

Merkins x 9 / Shoulder Press x 36

Merkins x 8 / Shoulder Press x 32

Merkins x 7 / Shoulder Press x 28

Merkins x 6 / Shoulder Press x 24

BLUE FALCON: SWITH TO 8 Count Body Builders

(8) Count BB x 5 / Shoulder Press x 20

(8) Count BB x 4  / Shoulder Press x 16

(8) Count BB x 3  / Shoulder Press x 12

(8) Count BB x 2  / Shoulder Press x 8

(8) Count BB x 1  / Shoulder Press x 4

TOTAL Reps Jack Webb x 464

6 Man SLED Work

Move Sled 15 yards; Rotate to next position on sled.  Man on End Stand on Sled and be “Coach” on Sled x 100 Yards

Rinse and Repeat

Move Sled 15 yards; Rotate to next position on sled.  Man on End Stand on Sled and be “Coach” on Sled x 100 Yards

     – Final 15 yards: BEAR CRAWL WHILE PUSHING SLED

Jail Break to Rock (Loser does 8 Merkins)

     – Team did 8 Merkins together



What a killer routine today by Liquor Cycle!  Non-Stop work and very high intensity.  All this work with a 45lbs ruck makes the routine twice as hard, especially the 8 count BB’s. 

T-Claps to Double Trouble who kept pace the whole time and practically pushed the entire right side of that sled himself #Fessickinthehouse.  And respect to ODB who made it through his first full week of F3 and SPEARHEAD.  Hope to see you and Hanky for a long time!

Shot out to Mr. Hanky who help YHC call out every rep of the Jack Webb…without him, it would have been a quiet cadence #sufferinsilence!  And Angler, our War Daddy was a machine on that sled.  I wouldn’t want to have had him as my football coach!

Clueless – what else can I say about this guy.  He does everything with a smile, fully embracing the suck, keeping us on track with the counts and providing an anatomy lesson each workout #googlespringer (new name?) lol.

As always, Thank you to Liquor Cycle for providing such a great lead and to the team for putting in the effort, heart and will power to workout with us today.

The Hoff – On Behalf of Liquor Cycle





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