Hold the Tempo

  • When:05/08/14
  • QIC: Honey Bee
  • The PAX: Strange Brew, Haggis, Bratwurst, Rock Thrill, Hannibal, Prohibition, Horsehead, O’Tannenbaum (LIFO), Wingman, Frasier, Jamboree (War Daddy), Honey Bee

Hold the Tempo

12 men answered the call for a tempo run of varying distance depending on the speed which was run. The format provides a challenge for all participants.

When all was done, men ran between 5 and 7 miles and ended between 6:07 and 6:12. Since the goal was 6:10 AM finish, it was not bad. However, I think we can get that standard deviation down in the future. #sixsigmaperfection


– The 5:15 start was a challenge this morning for several PAX. RT came in at the last minute and Haggis was actually a minute late. The PAX waited on them though and started as a group. It wasn’t until we got to the track that we noticed a man in a bright orange shirt had joined us. It was O’Tannenbaum who apparently had been 2 minutes late in time to see us cross Rea into the neighborhood. Luckily after a wrong turn, he was able to find us and continued the workout from there.

– Bratwurst was on his own plan and let some of us feel good by actually letting us lead the PAX for a while until his plan kicked in and he left us in the dust. The man’s got speed.

– In the COT, the PAX learned of Wing(space)man’s birthday today. It was a well-placed piece of information since we could not cause any pain during the workout in celebration. Even if we had known, a running workout is a hard thing to do 40 of anything really. Perhaps 40 laps on the track but that is just ludicrous.

– Everyone put in a great effort today and it looked like a true tempo run was completed by all participants. Leading up to the BRR, Devil’s Turn will stay in a tempo run format to compliment the speed work on Tuesdays and LSD on the weekends.

– It was great running with you all today. We are lucky to have this community of brothers.

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Honey Bee author

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10 years ago

A quick glance down during the COT revealed the culprit of OTs tardiness.

Actual shoelaces instead of velcro.

Must have been a while . . . the bunny rabbit goes around the tree and through the hole (or something like that).

10 years ago

Certainly strategic in my comment placement. Great run this morning. Lots of refection on run home. #itsjustanumber #thenewthirty

10 years ago

The penalty for getting back before 6:10 should be doing the Prancer until 0610. Ask HoneyBee for details. Eventually, we need to find a 6mi course – could even be an out and back. Of course one of the issues is that it needs to be straightforward, and the neighborhoods in those areas don’t make that easy.

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