12 men answered the call for a tempo run of varying distance depending on the speed which was run. The format provides a challenge for all participants.
When all was done, men ran between 5 and 7 miles and ended between 6:07 and 6:12. Since the goal was 6:10 AM finish, it was not bad. However, I think we can get that standard deviation down in the future. #sixsigmaperfection
– The 5:15 start was a challenge this morning for several PAX. RT came in at the last minute and Haggis was actually a minute late. The PAX waited on them though and started as a group. It wasn’t until we got to the track that we noticed a man in a bright orange shirt had joined us. It was O’Tannenbaum who apparently had been 2 minutes late in time to see us cross Rea into the neighborhood. Luckily after a wrong turn, he was able to find us and continued the workout from there.
– Bratwurst was on his own plan and let some of us feel good by actually letting us lead the PAX for a while until his plan kicked in and he left us in the dust. The man’s got speed.
– In the COT, the PAX learned of Wing(space)man’s birthday today. It was a well-placed piece of information since we could not cause any pain during the workout in celebration. Even if we had known, a running workout is a hard thing to do 40 of anything really. Perhaps 40 laps on the track but that is just ludicrous.
– Everyone put in a great effort today and it looked like a true tempo run was completed by all participants. Leading up to the BRR, Devil’s Turn will stay in a tempo run format to compliment the speed work on Tuesdays and LSD on the weekends.
– It was great running with you all today. We are lucky to have this community of brothers.
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