7 PAX gathered around the SF as the clock approached 0700. After a brief disclaimer by YHC we headed out for another round of fun at Area 51. Led the PAX on a short jog around the soccer fields and then circled up for COP:
- SSH x 25 (IC)
- IW x 25 (IC)
- Squat x 25 (IC)
- MC x 25 (IC)
Head over to light pole in center of fields for the Starfish:
- Run to 1st light pole, 20 Merkins, back to center for 5 Burpees
- Run to 2nd light pole, 20 Squats, back to center for 5 Burpees
- Run to 3rd light pole, 20 CDD, back to center for 5 Burpees
- Run to 4th light pole, 20 Sister Mary Catherines, back to center for 5 Burpees
- Run to 5th light pole, 20 LBCs, back to center for 5 Burpees
- Plank it up and wait for PAX to finish
Mosey over to sidewalk on other side of soccer fields:
- Bear Crawl to soccer goal, Run to midfield & back, Bear crawl from soccer goal to start
- Rd 2 – Crab Walk
- Rd 3 – Broad Jump
Jog over to front of school for PC:
- PC x 60 secs (w/ arms out front, air presses x 20)
- Lunge walk to parking lot
- PC x 75 secs (w/ air presses x 20, arms out front)
- Lunge walk to parking lot
Time to move and off we went to other end of the school for BTW:
- BTW wall walk x 20-25 ft
- Plank walk on the curb x 20-25 ft
- Incline Merkins x 15
- Rinse & Repeat, replacing IM with Decline Merkins
Enough of that nonsense, mosey to back playground for a little circuit work:
- Rd 1 – 10 Pull-ups/Supine Pull-ups, 20 Dips, 20 Step-ups
- Rinse & Repeat x 2
Time to take a little nature walk, so head over to trail
- Trail run
- Bear crawl up hill
- 10 Burpees
- Plank it up and wait for PAX
Wind our way around the back of the school and circle up for a little JW (DK request, YHC aims to please)
- 1 Merkin/4 Air Presses . . . 10 Merkins/40 Air Presses
6 MOM (IC):
- Dolly x 20, hold’em for DK 15 count
- Flutter x 20, Hold’em for Lobster Roll 10 count
- Rosalita x 20
- Back Scratchers x 20
- LBC x 20
Head back to SF and launch point for COT
Naked Moleskin:
- YHC took a minute to go over Disclaimer prior to start of work-out. Slapshot was a little surprised to hear that after a couple seasons of posting in the Gloom.
- Welcome to Kilowatt, friend of Header, to Area 51 site. Think he originally was looking for PAX at Covenant Day but he found us at McKee Road Elementary in time.
- Ready to see drag race between Lobster Roll and Donkey Kong (& possibly Joker) in a Bear Crawl duel. Those two were moving out there this morning.
- DK called for JW after the circuit work at the back playground. YHC aims to please and we worked in a round after a run on the Nature Trail.
- Thanks to O’Tannenbaum for taking us out.
- Area 51 work-out site is sponsoring a hole/tee box in the F3 Golf Tournament. Let YHC, John.Chepul@ChepulCPA.com, or Far Side, Frank.Larsen@cbre.com, know if you would like to contribute. Sponsorship is $100 per hole. Thanks to those who have already contributed.
- Sign up for F3 Golf Tournament by 5/15. Event will be held at Olde Sycamore Golf Course on 5/29. 4 man teams/Captain’s Choice. Sign up as individual or team. See website for further details.
- Looking for Qs for Area 51 for Saturdays in May and June. Let YHC know if you can take 1/2 or full, specifically on 5/10, 5/17, 5/31, or 6/7.
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