How many more?

How many more?

12 pax busted another full hour of #F3FastTwitch this morning.

The Thang:

Run to Davie Park 80%+ speed

Brief COP: merkins, squats, MCs

Partner up; partner one runs lap down to gate and back around lot;  partner 2: 20 derkins, 20 dips, 9 pull-ups;  flapjack;  2X

Mosey back down to gate

Sprint to each light post;  5 merkins at each post; continue into the bottom lot

Indian run back to school and down to track

The Runaround:  Partner 1 sprint suicide goalpost-to-goalpost; Partner 2 lap on track; flapjack; continue till Q calls it. 

One lap cool-down;

Mary: 49 flutter kicks

10 burpees OYO

Total distance: 5.5 mi


  • T-Claps happy birthday to Chelms aka Tater Tot.  you can thank me later for the 49 flutters
  • YHC should have been clearer that The Runaround is a timed exercise; kept hearing “how many more?” and “do we keep going?” across the track in the dim gloom
  • By popular request, YHC decided to start adding in some 10-counts into Fast Twitch (albiet within 6-inch planks), hopefully those provided enough short breaks to recharge
  • Good to see some new faces to Fast Twitch today – hope you’ll come back
  • Great send-off by Slim Fast – thanks brother


  • Peak 51 moderate workout starting Matthews elementary this Thursday, 5:30am;  headlock your friends who may be on the fence.  With this addition, we will now have 3 moderate workouts each week. 
  • AG Middle – bike ride scheduled for June 14, Francis Beatty Park; contact Chelms for more info
  • 3rd F Wednesday, Southpark Bojangles, noon


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Turkey Leg author

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Mall Cop
Mall Cop
10 years ago

Great Q Turkey Leg! Now if the trees and bushes don’t mind I am politely asking them to quit releasing polen for the year so my allergies and asthma will go away! This morning showed me just how far out of running shape I am right now! #Clydesdale #Fatboy I will be a regular at Fast Twitch and Devil’s Turn for the next 4 to 5 months.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Tator Tot! Thanks for the 49 Flutters at the end, 1 more year until you get some respect!

10 years ago

Great job Twitchers! Swift is building momentum – 11 PAX today. Those SoBs are gunning for you…

Reply to  Bratwurst
10 years ago

Brat’s trash-talking formula:
1. Compliment your adversary (with exclamation point!).
2. Confront them with data.
3. Assume appearance of neutrality: merely an observer of two warring parties.

He’s Eddie Haskell in a Ned Flanders suit.

Reply to  Tiger-Rag
10 years ago

I was at #Swift today – Brat is no joke. Just ask Frasier, cuz he was there too. #yoursecretissafewithme. In fact, Frasier probably has a better idea of what they actually did, because I was just trying to keep everyone in sight long enough not to get lost in the massive sea of parking lots.

I had a legitimate reason though, they do more than running at FT (pullups, merkins, etc . . . ) and my shoulder is not talking to me right now. #Swift appears to be a pure running venture.

BTW – I think Frasier is either a mole or looking for some strange.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

Someone that knows Sakagawea needs to get him out to FT for insurance. He gave Frasier a run for his money at Centurion on Friday, with Bricks.

I don’t know for sure but think PH told TL to do the 49 flutters #nomercy

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