Its a dry heat…

Its a dry heat…

The only thing I remember in order was COP.  After that, we did a bunch of stuff
that left me drained:

SSH x30
Imperial Walker x 20
Merkins x 15
Mountain Climbers x 20

Mosey to field for perimeter drills.  Starting at midfield sideline, perform 1 KB exercise followed by random exercise.  Run to corner, repeat around field stopping at 4 corners and midfield.

2 hand swings x 25
20 squats, jog to corner #1

2 hand overhead press x 15
10 merkins, jog to corner #2

Hammer curls x 15
10 merkins, jog to midfield along sideline

Upright rows x 15
10 burpees, jog to corner #3

Planks rows left x 15,
20 squats, to corner #4

Plank rows right x 15
20 Mountain Climbers, to midfield

Goblet squats x 20
10 merkins, back to corner #1

1 hand press left x 10
20 mountain climbers, to corner #2

1 hand press right x 10
10 burpees, to corner #3

1 hand swing left x 15
10 squat, to corner #4

1 hand swing right x 15
10 burpees, to corner #1

Standing rows x 15
20 mountain climbers, to midfield

Sumo squats x 15
10 burpees

From sideline, lunge walk w/ KB to midfield for Mary

LBCs x 20
Dolly/press x 20
Flutter/press x 20
Dying cockroach w/ KB x 15
Mason Twists x 10

Head back to parking lot:
2 hand swings x 20
Hammer curls x 15

Back to home, 10 merkins OYO


My plan for limited running turned into a half mile jog with our kettle bells as we lapped
the field a few times today.  At least their was no humidity, so we all left dry and refreshed.
By breaking up the runs, everyone stayed together and hammered out all the drills.  Solid
effort by all.

Good luck to Rock Thrill this weekend, representing A51 on the triathalon circuit.

HC for F3 Golf event

Reminder that Swift has started at Ballantyne Corp Park on Tuesdays, Bratwurst on Q.

May 17th – Stonehenge Doubledown.  6am Stonehenge, Run Ballantyne 5k/10k at 7:30am.
Select F3 in dropdown box for team division







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