The aftermath of PDM

The aftermath of PDM

5 men entered the gloom this morning for a Devil’s Turn with a different format.  The idea was to get everyone to push themselves to at least their “Marathon” pace from Bratwurst’s calculator for a full 55 minute workout (after a 1 mile warmup).

To facilitate this and allow all PAX to start and end together, a Progressive Difficulty Matrix was compiled (see preblast for details).  The basic scheme was to run one mile together to warm up then speed up to tempo pace and hold it for the rest of the workout.  The PAX ran out to the S. Charlotte Middle School track and continued around the track until the time came for each person to leave the track to get back to the parking lot by 6:10 am (this is where the matrix became necessary).  Due to the differing speeds of the PAX, this meant a different total distance (# of laps at the track) for each runner. 

The scheme seemed to work relatively well (except YHC robbed Madam of an extra lap at the track – more on that later). 

The Moleskin:

– There was a small group at the Turn this morning with many of the regulars in absentia.  Weather was not a concern.  The low 50’s and low humidity made for perfect running weather.  It sounded like both Fast Twitch and the Maul included hill intervals so maybe that kept people away. 

– Since it was the first time with this format, YHC was a bit neurotic about the timing of everyone leaving the track to get back.  This resulted in sending Madam back before he got in his final lap at the track.  #cobains brother.  Next time run to your heart’s content.  Also, congrats on the first non-stop tempo run of this length.  Careful, you may just get hooked on this running thing.  #runnershighaddiction

– During the warm up, Horsehead shared his experience with F3 in his first 6 months and how he was named while recycling merlot in the COT in his first post.  His 5.7 mile non-stop tempo run this morning was evidence of how far he has come.  (Hey weren’t you looking for the 4 mile option?) Nice work brother! It is always great to see the impact F3 has on people. 

– Turkey Leg was, as usual, swift out there this morning. Oops, YHC used the wrong word.  Perhaps, he was twitching strongly out there is better.  Not really.  Well he ran fast for an extended period of time and didn’t look that tired when he got done.  #F3strong

– YHC was lucky that Frasier was on a similar tempo today and had some company on the run.  The 2nd F helped the miles pass with less mental pain.  During conversations though, there were far more pauses on YHC’s end (to breathe!).  Also, on the run out to the track YHC had to cry uncle at one point.  #unsustainableeffort Thanks for hanging back though.  It was a good run. 

– Since there are now two speed workouts on Tuesday, Devil’s Turn may tend more toward a tempo run in the future (or at least have the option for tempo run) so that, along with Rumrunner on Sundays, a ballanced running plan can be followed if desired.

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10 years ago

Got to 4 miles and was looking for the bus or golf cart to carry us back. No such luck, so I just hoofed it.

That was fun . . . I’ll be back.

Reply to  Horsehead
10 years ago

Oh, and I don’t think I actually puked in the COT – but it was close. I was hiding behind the bleachers dry heaving before that though.

Best full on puke was at Kevlar after doing Hairburners for the first time.

– HH

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