Flooded Outlands

Flooded Outlands

It was a rain soaked beat down for all with YHC up first as Q…

Quick Mosey around the parking lot then circle up for COP:
SSH x15
IW x15
Low Slow Squat x15
Peter Parkers x10
Parker Peters x10

Time for some hill work/100s (later renamed by Belly Flop to Hill of Doom!)
Partner up! Size does not matter, P1 does called exercise, P2 sprints the hill w/ exercise at top. flapjack until 100 reps of bottom exercise. Plank between rounds.

Round 1: P1 Merkins at the bottom, P2 Sprint up, 5 SSH, sprint back, flapjack,
Round 2: Carolina Dry Docks at bottom, sprint and 5 burpees at top.
Round 3: LBCs at the bottom (crowdpleaser, lots of chatter heard as the pax got on their six in the water) , sprint & 5 squats at top
Round 4: Squats at bottom, backpedal 1/2 way up, regular sprint rest of way, sprint back.

Mosey to side of school, grab some wall!
PC’s 30 seconds, drop an inch, 15 more seconds, recover.
PC’s 30 seconds, drop an inch, 15 more seconds, recover.
PC’s 30 seconds, then 20 air presses, recover.

2 pain stations: 20 dips then 20 step ups, 3 rounds.


ZIP’s in and Mosey to the Elementary School Indian Run Style….

Circuit Training (Partner Up Again)

  • P1 Pull-Ups AMRAP (as many reps as possible) while P2 runs the circuit around the track AYG.
  • Flapjack
  • P1 performs Donkey Kicks on Swings while P2 runs the circuit around the track AYG.
  • Flapjack
  • P1 performs dips while P2 runs the circuit around the track AYG.
  • Flapjack

Run back to the VSF but wait, audible is called and let’s head to the Gauntlet as we have time to spare.

– Meet at the sleds and dip bars for some work but again an audible is called after hearing Law Dawg (visitor from the north) say WHOA look at that – catching a glimpse of the obstacle course.

– Partner up AGAIN for the Obstacle course

  •  6’ wall and over
  • Over and Under 6 Horizontal Telephone poles
  • 8’ wall and over
  • 25’ telephone pole walk
  • Tires
  • 10 sit-ups on incline boards

Head back to the VSF for COT

Great to have Law Dog visit from the north side to burn some calories with us before the Easter candy was consumed. Great knowing F3 provides a brotherhood that you can easily jump into when visiting other areas.

Also great to have Conner (my 2.0) as FNG to give Boondock some company!
When Zip called for the donkey kicks on the swings that had small ponds under them you could see a small hesitation by PAX but everyone just went for it! This is where Conner earned his nickname… In the middle of donkey kicks the swing slipped out from under him and face first into the water he went. I knew that would be his defining FNG moment as he is now known as Belly Flop!

Great work by all even while dealing with the monsoon & flood.

About the author

Hair Band useradmin

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10 years ago

Thanks for letting me crash the workout! I had a great time.

It’s amazing that F3 workouts all share enough common traits that you can feel right at home at a new workout.

The Late Show
The Late Show
10 years ago

good workout and a fun time… Playing out in the rain and coming in soaked and filthy is the best!!

Big League Chew
Big League Chew
10 years ago

Belly Flop! That’s too funny!

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