(4) SPEARHEADS triumphed over the fartsack tractor beam ( “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” – Woody Allen) to post at CMS for a high intensity continuous kettlebell ( HICK ) workout. The QIC arrived with 10 pro kettlebells ( Valery Federenko would have been proud) ranging in weight from 12 to 32 KILOGRAMS, 25 – 72 pounds. No one left disappointed
The Thang
Brief Warmup:
Pax farmer walk KB’s from parking area to turf, then
First Evolution – Stations of downpainment:
Second Evolution – Modded Wod , there’s a lot to like about Cindy:
Each pax selects a KB, does 3 exercises each round: Merkins, 4 count flutter kicks, Russian swings ( the Pavel variety).
Begin with 10 reps for the first round , then 15 for the second, then 20 for the third, and so on. AMRAP for 10 minutes.
Time flies when you’re having fun. All pax finished in the round of 25 or 30 or 35.
I love the smell of gloom first thing in the morning. A beautiful morning it was to share with like-minded SPEARHEAD brothers. Thank you for posting, and thank you for letting me Q –
The Hoff posting on Behalf of Clueless
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