The rain held off after a downpour earlier in the morning which apparantely scared some fo the regulars off. The last few weeks saw the PAQ swell to 20+ so only 12 of us hit it hard this morning. Special recognition to Dirty Diana who just started April 5th at Stonehenge and posted his 6th workout! Keep up the good work!
Warmups: SSH X 25, Reverse Lung X 10 ea leg, Imperial Walker X 20, Mountain Climber X 20 + 1 minute plank + 10 Peter Parker Merkins. Ran to 2nd knee wall at the top of the lake.
Workout: 5 sets of Merkins X 10 (50 total): Derkins, Incline, Diamonds, Wide, Carolina Dry Docks with 5 sets X 20 Knee Ups (run in place; knees to out-stretched hands) between each set of Merkins. Run 1/3mile around the lake. Repeat 5 sets of Merkins and Knee-Ups.
Run around lake to fitness trail and break out into 3 groups at 3 stations. Each Group rotated each station 2 times for 6 sets total. Station I: Parallel Bar Dips X 20 + Squats X 20. Station II: Supine Pull-ups X 20 + Squats X 20. Station III: Pull-ups X 10 + Squats X 20.
Ran to 1st Knee Wall for Mary on the Wall – sitting on the wall with legs raised eliminated the ability to rest our legs. The height and the balancing made for a much tougher ab workout than expected. All in cadence: LBC’s x 25; Dolly X 25, Flutter x 25, Bicycle X 25, Mason Twist X 15, Knee ups to chest X 25, Protractor for 1 min.
Finished with Dips x 15 and 10 Man-maker Burpees. Ran back to start and 25 Merkins.
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