Multiple Pit Stops at RY

Multiple Pit Stops at RY

11 pax with 1 site FNG (Dirty Diana- WD) took to the Urban Nirvana of Rebel Yell on this crisp April morning.

The Thang

Mosey to Firebirds – circle up

Turbo SSH x 30

Merkins x 15

IW x 25

Mosey to fountains for 10/20/30 w running

1st round – 10 step ups, 20 incline merkins, 30 CDD then run to store and back // repeato

2nd round – 10 incline diamonds, 20 dips, 30 squats ”  ”  ”  ”  – repeato

3rd round – 10 decline merkins, 20 dips, 30 LBC ”  ”  ”  ” – repeato

Mosey to hill behind Firebirds – partner up

Partner 1 runs up/down hill 3 times / Partner 2 burpees – flapjack

Partner 1 runs up/down 2 times / Partner 2 burpees – flapjack

Partner 1 runs up/down 1 time / Partner 2 – 6 inch merkin hold – flapjack

Mosey behind Cinema for Semi Gloss/Bunny Hop

All pax hold the Semi Gloss position while each pax bunny hops up 2 flights of stairs

Mary led by Semi Gloss – LBC, Dolly


Great work by all today.  Nothing special thrown out there, just a nice sweat was broken.  A taper, if you will, for those doing mud run this weekend.  The hill was a #crowdpleaser as always.  Puppy Love and Wingman tried to persuade YHC to keep moving past it but it is such a good time killer #noweinke.  Plus it could have been a lot worse had we started at say 5 times up the hill.  She was steep.  Shocked to find out that our new site FNG and our WD today, Dirty Diana, is in his 1st week of F3 and today was his 4th day posting #strong.  Keep coming out brother.  Thanks to Semi Gloss for leading us in prayer.


Convergence at the Rock this weekend at 7am (Calvary Church)

Pray for all the guys doing the mud run this weekend that we all come back unscathed……and sober enough to drive our cars after bus drop off.

Sign up for F3 Golf by May 1st – even if you don’t have a team just sign up and find a team later.



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Spackler author

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10 years ago

much respect to Dirty Diana. Centurion tomorrow! Saw Purple Haze this morning and i think he talked me into it. So much for Taper. If there is one thing that hasn’t gotten any better in a year at F3 it’s Hill work. #hate. Also, in a year of #f3themaul and now #f3rebelyell that hill is fairly new. don’t know which hill i hate more, the exponential incline on that one or the straight 45 degrees of the hill behind target. Good Times! Oh wait. Also hate the murderhorn.

Purple Haze
10 years ago

Wing_Man…don’t ever listen to anything I say. See you at Centurion!

10 years ago

The May 1 Golf “deadline” is a psychological ploy to move the #procrastinators to sign up earlier than they normally would. We have to give our HC number and $$ to the club on May 15.

Go sign up here:

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