Starfish, March Madness and The Blue Falcon Met at Olympus

Starfish, March Madness and The Blue Falcon Met at Olympus

7 Men entered into Olympus where there were 2 very different styles combined into one workout today as an Unstoppable Force Met the Immovable Object…what came out was a NASTY hour long beat down

The Thang:



SSH x 20

Mountain Climbers x 15

KB Good Mornings x15

KB Diamond Merkins x 10

Starfish Circuit: Round 1

– Center Field meeting point

– KB Swings x 20

– Sprint to 1st Corner: Burpees x 10; Sprint to Center Field

– KB Swings x 20

– Sprint to 2nd Corner: Jump Squats x 15; Sprint to Center Field

– KB Swing x 20

– Sprint to 3rd Corner: Dips x 20; Sprint to Center Field

– KB Swing x 20

– Sprint to 4th Corner: LBC’s x 25; sprint to Center Field

Starfish Circuit: Round 2

– KB High Pulls x 30 (15 each arm)

– Sprint to 1st Corner; Carolina Dry Docs x 15; sprint to Center Field

– KB High Pulls x 30 (15 each arm)

– Sprint to 2nd Corner; High Knees x 20; sprint to Center Field

– KB High Pulls x 30 (15 each arm)

– Sprint to 3rd Corner; Pull ups x 15; sprint to Center Field

– KB High Pulls x 30 (15 each arm)

– Sprint to 4th Corner; Flutter Kicks x 25; sprint to Center Field

Starfish Circuit Round 3:

– Goblet Squats x 15

– Sprint to 1st Corner, Merkins x 20; sprint to Center Field

– Goblet Squats x 15

– Sprint to 2nd Corner, Squat Jumps x 20; sprint to Center Field

– Goblet Squats x 15

– Sprint to 3rd Corner, Derkins x 15, sprint to Center Field

30 Minutes

HOFF on Q:

March Madness: Mosey to Parking Lot with Blue Falcon (65lbs Sandbag and Basketball)

Pax line up in a line.  Perform non-stop called exercise while 2 Pax run down court passing Basketball Back and Forth

– Team must make basket in far goal, running and passing to first Goal and make another shot

– Infraction: Each Dropped pass, Anytime ball hits the ground or missed shot

– Each Infraction tallied up when Pax 1 and Pax 2 return.

– Infraction Penalty: ALL Perform KB Burpee Squat Thrusts

– Blue Falcon (65Lbs Sandbag moves each round.  Person with the Falcon does Side to Side Overhead Squat Thrusters

Round 1: KB Overhead Press; (3) Infractions

Round 2: KB Upright Rows

(6) Infractions

Round 3: KB Single Arm Snatch

(3) Infractions

Round 4: KB Bent over Row

(2) Infractions

Round 5: KB Bent over Row

(0) Infractions

Round 6: KB Swing

(2) Infractions

Round 7: KB Swing

(3) Infractions

Round 8: KB Swing

(1) Infraction

Round 9: Goblet Merkins

(5) Infractions

Round 10: Stagger Merkins

(3) Infractions

Round 11: Stagger Merkins

(2) Infractions

Round 12: Tricep Extensions

(2) Infractions

Round 13: Bicep Extensions

(4) Infractions

Round 14: Tricep Extensions

(2) Infractions

Round 15: Bicep Curl

(5) Infractions


Supine Sit Ups x 25

Hip/Ab Rotations x 20

Flutter x 15

LBC x 2



Killer work out there guys.  I am running late on time and have to go, so sound off below.

Respectfully, The Hoff and Gullah

About the author

The Hoff author

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10 years ago

But we have the blue falcon. No stopping us. Nice Q Gullah and Hoff.

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