Diddy Kong and Stories From Chicago circa 1993

Diddy Kong and Stories From Chicago circa 1993

4 SPEARHEADs greeted 1 FNG (Angler 2.5ish) and a 40 pound sandbag in the gloom Thursday morning for a ruck around the block.

The Thang

Angler lead the group down over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house.

Brief pause to reflect on good times with Grandma.

Continue on through the neighborhoods and back out on Camilla



Great morning with the group.  Four miles overall distance (real men round down)

Welcome to our FNG from Austrailia – Angler’s 2.0, or 2.5, or something like that.  Hard to keep the count straight…  He was bestowed the name SANDBAGGER due to his unyielding grip on that sandbag for 90% of the ruck.  The name Diddy Kong was thrown around due to his DK’ing of the sandbag, but sandbagger seemed most fitting.  If he is half as strong as his dad, he could have probably carried that sandbag for another 20 miles no problem.  We hope you have a safe trip back to Austrailia, it was great to meet you!

Clueless told us an interesting story about his last experience in Chicago…  What happens at SPEARHEAD stays at SPEARHEAD.  Seriously.

Always a pleasure to join you guys for a ruck, looking forward to next time!

About the author

BTB (Bob The Builder) author

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10 years ago

The only ever time I liked Chicago was that weekend in 1993. Otherwise, may the Lord bless Chicago and keep it far away from me.

Reply to  BTB (Bob The Builder)
10 years ago

My bad, I thought I remembered it moving in ’93.

Nice walk, good emphasis on 2nd F.

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