6 men met in the greenway parking lot with running on the brain. It was to be a tempo run today at Devil’s Turn and it could not have been a better day for it. The weather was perfect and the small group made for some good 2nd F during the run.
The group ran the 2 miles out to S. Charlotte Middle, various numbers of laps around the track, and 2 miles back to the parking lot. Depending on the number of laps at the track the distance was between 4 and 6.5 miles.
As usual on the way out through the neighborhood, Rock Thrill was greeted like a rock star by all the passing Run for your Life tomatoes. The man is popular. Perhaps a name change is in order? Nah, Rock Thrill is just too awesome of a name.
The PAX were glad to welcome Madame Tussauds out for his first post at DT. Hopefully it was all you hoped for and more brother. Keep coming out. We have a good time and you get the runner’s high for free.
Good luck to our brothers Rock Thrill in the Run Fest and Wingman in the Cooper River Bridge run this weekend. Best of luck out there and that PR is right there for the taking. Go in #F3Strong.
Great effort by all today. It was great to get to run along side each of you this morning. We are lucky to have such a good group to train with.
The plan next week will likely be a lower intensity shorter run for those tapering for the USMC Mudrun. If others would like a longer more intense run, YHC needs a Q to step up for that.
Have a great weekend brothers!
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