10 PAX and yours truly showed up for yet another sub 40 degree workout. The calander says spring but…After Sat at Stonehenge, there was to be no running at all for Foxhole – just KB exercises. The PAX was up for the task with no 10-count breaks and a full slate of KB exercises and always at least 1 new exercise:
Warmup; SSH X 25, Squats X 20, Reverse Lunges X 20, Merkins X 15 (30 total), KB Twists X 10 (hold KB waist high and rotate 180 degrees back and forth), Russian dead-lifts X 15, KB Reverse Lunges with KB Front Raise X 8 (Raise KB out in front – straight armed – head high while performing reverse lunge).
Mosey to Jungle Gym for “Recess”: Dips w/KB in lap X 15; Planks w/KB lat rows x 10; 8-10 chin-ups. Repeat three times for 9 sets total.
Series of multi-movements: Squats with up-right rows X 15; Squats with 1-arm curl and shoulder press X 10 each arm, Two-hand-swing X 25; KB Twists X 15.
People’s Chair: series of sets of 1-min People’s Chair combined with various KB lifts; 10 Merkins between each set: 1-set: Sack draggers (hold KB bewteen legs) then 10-Merkins; 2-set: Up-right rows X 15 then 10 Merkins, Overhead press X 15 then 10 Merkins, 1-arm curls X 10 each then 10 Merkins. Followed People’s Chair with 10 burpees combined with KB rows/presses, or curls.
Mary in Cadence (all with KB presses except for Bicyles): LBC x 25, Flutter x 15, Dolly x 15, Heels to Heaven x 15, Mason Twist x 12, Bicycles x 15.
Mosey to Parking Lot: KB Cross-over Merkins: 3 sets X 10 (lay the KB flat on the ground with handle on the ground; get in plank position with right arm on the ball of the KB, execute a Merkin, and then slide to the right with left hand on the ball followed by another Merkin.
Finished with Clean and Snatch X 10 each arm, 2-arm curls X 20; and 2 minutes of curb step-ups in combination with KB presses overhead, out front, and chest holds.
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