Wet Dog Smell at Ascent

Wet Dog Smell at Ascent


While the cold has subsided Mother Nature as usual flexed her muscles to challenge the 6 pax who stepped away from their cozy beds and into the drizzly wet morning gloom of Ascent at Olde Providence Elementary. It went something like this.

To the Track:

2 laps buttkickers/high knees/medium pace jog with CCD x 10 at top and Squats x 10 at bottom

COP behind OP school:

SSH, IW, Slow Merkins,  Jump Squats, Jump Squats Right, Carolina Dry Dock, Jump Squats Left

To the Concessions:

2 rounds of 30/20/10 (Dips, Jump Ups, Burpees)

To the Football Field for 50 yard There and Backs:

Karaoke Right There, Karaoke Left Back

Backward There, Backward Back

Bear Crawl/Crab Walk There, Bear Crawl/Crab Walk Back

Karaoke Right There, Karaoke Left Back

To the bus parking lot by basketball courts:

Touch the Line Weave Line to Line There / Sprint Back

To the fields behind OP School:

Pyramid There and Backs

CDD, Burpees, LBC, Heels to Heaven x 5 – Start

CDD, Burpees, LBC, Heels to Heaven x 10 – There

CDD, Burpees, LBC, Heels to Heaven x 15 – Back

CDD, Burpees, LBC, Heels to Heaven x 10 – There

CDD, Burpees, LBC, Heels to Heaven x 5 – Back

Plank-o-rama with Donkey Kong

To Harris Teeter and Back:

Indian Run There

Merkins x 50

Indian Run Back with Bear Crawls on Donkey Kong’s turn to sprint up (a DK bright idea)

To the grass at bottom of track:

Partner up for Prairie Fire Mary (10L, 10C, 10R)

Circle up for 1 minute of Mary:

Russian Twist x 20

That’s a wrap…


Great site offers lots of options, especially with some daylight. For any pax on the rebound, getting started, and seeking moderate-to-normal F3 workout intensity, this is one great workout opportunity. I ignored Donkey Kong’s early request to pick up a scrap telephone pole from the Rea Road Construction site as a coupon opportunity for the Ascent pax to carry back on our Indian Run return from Harris Teeter. My thinking was this is not Spearhead, the latest Go Ruck thorn-ruck Challenge is over, and there is no reason to subject ascenters with DK’s ambitious craziness. Needless to say, we kept it moving, got a little wet, and powered through the drills. Pele showed rock solid effort out there. The shopping trip to Harris Teeter is one of my favorites. With fewer pax it kept us sprinting to front more frequently. That was taxing but great. Good to see Lucky stroll over from his home at the base of the “Hydra” Hill. He had the closest distance to get to the workout, yet missed our track work. Hopefully he did buttkickers and high knees from his home on his way over. Good to see you back out Lucky! Also I have to mention Slimfast making a showing was great to see. That was a great output today by you. Hopper was overall star performer. DK had his moments of greatness, but Hopper took that pyramid by storm and just nailed it. Super Strong effort there! Donkey Kong regaled me with stories of thornruck after the workout that showcase how CSAUP we can be as a pax. The lessons we learn and personal growth we achieve by sharing in these events and participating in these workouts continues to fuel F3 nation and make it stronger and stronger.

Great to Q at Ascent. Thanks to the site leaders for the opportunity!

Count-a-rama: it was quick

Name-a-rama: it was also quick

Send off by Slimfast – thank you!


F3 Golf sign up on F3nation.com home page. $90pp. Thu 5/29. Sign up. Proceeds to F3 Foundation. Give back time fellas. And besides, it’s a chance to get outta work and grab 2nd F for a whole day. Nice!!!!!

Step up to Q Ascent. You can make all the calls when you Q. Don’t like running, then Q and call your own beat down. Contact High Tide or Strange Brew.

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