Felon Fitness

Felon Fitness

As advertised on Twitter, YHC got the inspiration for today’s workout from a book entitled “Felon Fitness.”  With much trepidation, 9 men from Ballantyne and the surrounding area assembled at the fields of Elon Park Elementary for this week’s Foxhole.  The book says to exercise with conviction…that we did.

The Thang:


–          Jog around parking lot, to wait for the tardy to join the PAX (and Wingman wasn’t even the latest today!)

Warm-up – grab the bells and assemble under the streetlight

–          SSH x 60

–          Mtn climbers x 50

–          Merkins x 20

–          Cherry Pickers (variation of toe touches and hitting oneself in the stomach) x 10 each way

Grab the bells and head down to the lower lot to get swole

–          Bicep curls x 20, short track run, and repeat 2 more times

–          Bicep 21’s (7 up to half way, 7 half way to up, and 7 full), short track run, and repeat 2 more times

–          Lawn mower rows x 20 each arm, short track run, and repeat 2 more times

–          Upright rows x 20, short track run, and repeat once more

On the last run, stop at the bottom of the parking lot

–          10 count to prepare for the O2 deprivation

–          Navy Seal Burpees (3 pushups at the bottom with alternating legs pulled in between) x 10 – audible called from original 20

–          Return to bells at top of lot for 2-hand swings x 20

–          Back to bottom of lot for 6-count burpees x 12

–          Back to top of lot for 2-hand swings x 20

–          Stay in place for 6-count burpees x 10

–          Finish with 2-hand swings x 20

Return to cars for ab plank for 1 minute



– There was some mumble chatter during warmup that this was some sort of white collar prison scenario.  However, after the 120 reps of biceps, the mumble chatter was at a minimum.  There was some good encouragement from Madam and Champagne to finish them strong.  Thanks guys.

– The ice on the car windows must have slowed the PAX this morning since there were at least 3 cars rolling in at 5:31.  Hopefully, this is the last week we have to deal with the ice situation.

– Great work by all.  However, be careful with flexing your arms today.  YHC is not responsible for any shirt ripping that may occur.  #disclaimer #theFoxholeEffect


– If you like to golf, sign up for the F3 golf event

About the author

Honey Bee author

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10 years ago

The toe touch / tummy rub combo was more Geriatric Misdemeanor than Felon Fitness.

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