come out to pllllllaahhhhyyyaaaa

come out to pllllllaahhhhyyyaaaa

10 men gathered in the gloom at Joust eagerly awaiting the Q to show up… well he didnt, so I took the helm. 

So, off we went… meandering toward the football field with a no wienky in sight only us men and the scene from Warriors the movie playing in the back of my head… 

The thang’

Jog to Football stadium, along way shuffle 30 yards, flapjack.

Circle up for COT

  • SSH x25
  • 10 Burpees (OYO)
  • Jump Squats 25 (OYO)
  • 9 Burpees (OYO)
  • LBCs x25
  • 8 Burpees (OYO)
  • Mak Tar’ Nai x25
  • 7 Burpees (OYO)
  • Sister MK (x20 OYO)
  • 6 Burpees (OYO)
  • Something x25
  • 5 Burpees (OYO)
  • Something x25
  • 4 Burpees (OYO)
  • something 25
  • 3 Burpees (OYO)
  • Mirkens x25
  • 2 Burpees (OYO)
  • Diamond Mirkens x15
  • 1 Burpee (OYO)

Count off to 2.

Four Corners on Track:

Group #1

  • Station #1 – 25 Mirkens
  • Sprint 100 yards to next station
  • Station #2 – 25 LBCs
  • Sprint 100 yards to next station
  • Station #3 – 25 Burpees
  • Sprint 100 yards to next station
  • Station #4 – Jump Squats x25
  • Sprint 100 yards to next station

Group #2 (same as above, start at Station #3)

Mosy to Track 50 yard line

  • Line up for Burpee Broad Jump to end zone
  • Line up at  end zone- lay on belly – sprint 100 yards (AFAYC)
  • Line up at end zone – lay on your back – sprint 100 yards (AFAYC)
  • Lunge walk to 50 yard line
  • Partner up, wheel barrow from 50 yard line to end zone
  • switch partners and  #FlapJack 

Mosy to parking lot for a little Strangbrew Mary

  • Protractor
  • Flutter
  • Rosa Lita
  • Russian Twist
  • Side cunches (right side x10, left side x10)

Naked Moleskin:

Alright so I heard TR was on point today and since he decided to hang out with the M this morning and fartsack I took over.  However, my coud de tai was not a sure thing, strangebrew said he would fight me for the Q. Heck strangebrew, I hope oneday to get a cage and we can go at it.. until then, you just stick to looking pretty in the morning.  Actually Strangebrew smoked me on the second 100 yard sprint, I thought I saw him and Baracus coming up stong and fast out of the corner of my eye. Next time, we can go side to side and see if he can repeat.

Leggo showed some heart today…. heck so did Shock o bottom. Everyone is getting stronger and stronger.

Lab Rat was freakin awesome on the 50 yard Wheelbarrows, dude didnt rest once. #STORNG

Peace out…





  • #smokeatjoust


About the author

Run Stopper author

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Stone Cold
10 years ago

This was my bad, boys. TR told me he was OOT for a swim meet. I have been OOT too and totally forgot to cover him. SO, BIG THANKS to Stopper for stepping in here and delivering the beatdown. Looks like it was a nasty one.

Lab Rat
10 years ago

Excellent impromptu Q RS! Thank you for steeping up and leading the Pax. Ferrum Ferro Acuitur!

10 years ago

Awesome Q RS, could never tell you had to do it on the fly. I felt that one all day!

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