Who moved the PAX?

Who moved the PAX?

The VSF was planted as five weary pax gathered in the morning gloom.  Talk of the GRT guys got us pumped up and ready to begin.

Jog over to the Yellow Rose lot.


  • 1 legged burpees x 10 (R)
  • SSH x 25
  • IW x 25
  • Mountain Climber x 20
  • Plank walk – 1 circle around COP CW
  • Mountain Climber x 15
  • Plank walk – 1 circle around COP CCW
  • Peter Parker x 15
  • Parker Peter x 15

Hill Work:

  • Run hill, stopping at 3 telephone poles on the way up and down hill to perform called exercise
  • Exercises:
    • Hill – Hand Release Merkins x 10 each stop
    • Hill – Flutters x 20 each stop
    • Hill – Double Burpees x 10 each stop

Mosey to parking lot

  • Butt raises x 15 each leg (lay down with one foot on bench and other foot in air, raise butt)
  • LBC x 20
  • Rinse and repeat

Hand the Q baton off to Runstopper

Little baby jog over to the shopping center lot.

Suicide runs:

  • Run to first island (25 yards) and back, then second island (50 yards) and back.  Complete 3 consecutive rounds

Lunge Walk mosey over to the steps by Tuesday Morning

  • Bear crawl up, bear crawl down
  • Lunge walk up, backwards lunge walk down

At the side walk, jog around sidewalk back to the school entrance.  At telephone poles and corners, stop for various exercises.

  • Burpees x 10, x 15, x 25
  • Wide Arm Merkins x 10,  Regular Merkins x 15, Diamonds x 20
  • Jump Squats x 10, x 15, x 20

Head over to the wall for some people’s chair.  Two rounds of roughly 2 minutes felt like 15 minutes.

Mosey over around the wall out of sight for cool down stretch and some yoga poses.  We didn’t want to be seen doing that.  I’m sure YHC’s form was terrible.

YHC likes balance, so we have to get in the 1 legged burpees x 10 (L) that we missed in COP.  I feel better now.



  • As Runstopper ran along the tree line near the parking lot, he sees 4 or 5 downed trees.  Thinking of GRC, he considers the logs but wisely choses to leave them in the woods.  There are only 5 of us after all.  Maybe next time.
  • When doing suicides, it’s always best to ignore the nice orange cones conveniently left for us and instead use the parking lot islands as markers.
  • Enter a little CLT trivia by Skywalker…anyone know what Tuesday Mornings used to be?  YHC answered Monday night.  Correct answer is Food Lion.
  • We had the fastest COT ever.  I think we all wanted to beat the Rock and Ascent guys to the Starbucks line.
  • With a small group this morning, the second F was in full force.  I enjoyed it fellas.


  • None were mentioned.  Check the weekly email and twitter for Area 51 updates.

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