Hairband’s Rocking Good Time

Hairband’s Rocking Good Time

8 men gathered for an early morning beatown on the fields of Outland.  With Hairband at the helm for the first half we were NOT disappointed.
6:15 – 6:45 Double EE and Horse Head rocked out to some bad tunes while slinging iron at the KB Beatdown.  Strong work gents.
5 more PAX joined the gang to prep for the launch of the main workout and at 7:00 am sharp TLS rolled into the parking lot to round out the numbers… It’s not Outland if we are not waiting on The Late Show… “LET’S GO!”
Mosey to shovel flag for some COP
Side Straddle Hops x 15
Low slow squats x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
Mosey to rock pile and pick up a manly coupon, 2 rounds of each set, 20 reps each exercise:
Set 1:
-Curls w/ rock
-Run (with rock for bonus points) to dip bars for… You guessed it, dips.
-Run back to discus circle for squats
Somewhere around here our FNG, originally called knob, made the workout an early success by spilling merlot and pulling an Elvis. (
Set 2:
-Tricep extensions w/ rock
-Deep hanging merkins from the dip bars. Didn’t really work as advertised, whatever, suck it up and do what you can. (Still not sure what Horsehead was trying to do.)
-Back to circle for LBC’s
Hey, should we check on knob? He has been gone a while.
Set 3:
-With some O2 deprivation kicking in YHC called chest press w/ rock but meant overhead press. Somehow Double E knew what I meant so called me out on it. I re-clarified but everyone still did whatever they started with so maybe they had some O2 dep also.
-Hanging Supine Pull-ups
-Back to circle for Carolina Dry Docks
Knob? Hmm, how about a 10 count…
3 more minutes so in honor of our Goruck challenge brothers it was time for tunnel of love 1 time with rock and 1 speed round w/o rock.
Hand off to CT!
Farside Leg-o-rama
– Peoples Chair x1 min
– Speed squats x20
– Peoples Chair x1 min
– Speed squats x20

– Peoples Chair x1 min
– Speed squats x20
Over the the football field for some speed/agility work
– sprint width of practice field / merkins x10
– sprint back / plank
– karaoke right sistar Mary Catherine x10 (each leg)
– karaoke left / plank
– back peddle / lunge x20
– back peddle plank
– shuffle step right split squat with partner plank as platform 10 each leg (switch with partner)
– shuffle step left plank
6 MoM
– LBC x25
– bicycles x20
– backscrathers x20
– Cumberland County Viaduct x15 each side
mosey back to shovel flag for PAX lead Chest-o-rama
– each pax pic a favorite for x reps
Moleskin:  Great work by all this am.  Hairband lead a painful beatdown as usual, with rocks and crawls and elevated fun,  there was something for everyone.  T-Claps.  Special call out to Double E and HH for participating in the double dose of pain this am with KB and then the main workout.  These gents have been bringing a heaping helping of pain for several straight weeks 6:15-6:45.  Keep it up!
Welcome to Mayo.  A Citadel grad who’s F3 name originates from the time honored tradition of providing copious amounts of Mayonnaise and other unsavory delicacies to welcome their incoming scholars “nobs”.

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The Late Show
The Late Show
10 years ago

Whooo! Solid EE!! Hey- heads up I am 50/50 on Saturday. Our youth group has yearly auction and dinner fundraiser Saturday and might have a late Friday night prepping. So the late show may be “no show” Saturday. The theme is Trivia so… Any country western fans know whose nickname is “no show”?

Reply to  The Late Show
10 years ago


Reply to  The Late Show
10 years ago


Double E
Reply to  The Late Show
10 years ago

Thumper (thank you google)

The Late Show
The Late Show
10 years ago


Double E
10 years ago

The trail Race was 3.8 miles but still not bad for an old man. Great Job to HB and CT for bringing some serious pain this am. One other note, I would ask that HH please do not double dose on Italian on the Friday before posting. I am sure I lost a year off my life in the 30 minutes of methanogenesis that Horse released.
Has anyone heard from Mayo after Saturday?

Double E
Reply to  Counter Top
10 years ago

I second the name change!

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