The preblast on Twitter made mention of Dive Bombers this AM. I am not sure all 21 pax got the memo, but everyone got after it and away we went!
Warm up run- Ran by car to pick up any stragglers and proceeded to the baseball outfield.
COP (?)
Count down from 12- Tribute to site Q-Stage Coach
After spotlighting (thank BD) and a quick demo of a dive bomber, (more on that below) we got to it
12 Dive Bomber (DB) then 20 Deep Squats
11 DB then 20 LBC
10 DB then 20 shoulder taps
9 DM then 20 Crab Merken (tricep dip in carb walk position)
8 DB then 20 Deep Squats
7 DB then 20 LBC
6 DB then 20 shoulder taps
5 DM then 20 Crab Merken (tricep dip in carb walk position)
4 DM then 20 Deep Squats
3 DB then 20 LBC
2 DB then 20 shoulder taps
1 DM then 20 Crab Merken (tricep dip in carb walk position)
Jog around baseball outfield to find a way out eventually made it to the hill
Called 10 trips up the hill with seal jacks and dive bombers- mid ladder adjusted it to 7
Always 10 dive bombers at the top of the hill, but 1, 2,3…etc seal jacks
Jog to track
3 corner from the 50
Start with 10 DB
First corner– 20 Carolina Dry Docks
back to center 10 DB
Second corner- 20 Jump Squats
back to center 10 DB
Third Corner- 20 LBC
back to center 10 DB
Run 1 lap around track with Pax….and stops to do more dive bombers
4 stops / 2 db x10 per and 2 LBC x20 per
Gather Pax and perform 10 LBC and 10 DB (and 10 girl push ups…not exactly, but I will take the abuse)
Run back to lot….and stops for Dive bombers
DB x10 at top platform and DB x10 once we circled up
Protractor circle
Everyone calls out a degree until we get around the circle- some waited longer then others. Also, first time I have done at 180 degree, nice DK
Oh, we also stopped at the Mid point to do another dive bombers x10 and finished with another DB x10
Finished with a variety of LBC, bicycle and Flutter…of course with another dive bombers x30 total
Moleskin- where to begin
– First, thank you for allowing me to lead, being complete wise asses and doing everything I ask. If you have not lead a workout, do it, it’s fun!
– I did the demo of the Dive Bomber, hope I demo’d proper form
– In the warm-up, I did NOT call any cadence and this was pointed out! Planned! I hadn’t worked out in 1 1/2 weeks and new mid ladder that I would struggle, glad you were all able to count to 20 on your own
– DK has grown up before our vary eyes! Damn Ruckers (Good Luck to all this weekend)! Dude was crabbing on the hill work, “Just do what you want”, “any originality to this work out” and “I call bullshit”. Also, later on, I was accused of “coming up with only 4 exercises and just stopped think of more” …yep
– I never have called a workout with a theme, like this one. It completely smoked me, I hope you all enjoyed it. The goal was 300 dive bomb merkens. I believe we came up short at 288…sorry!
– Thanks Header for taking us out, I could have gave you a heads up, but you always deliver!
-Taco Mac tonight
– Support the Go Ruckers on Friday. Please go and support them once the location becomes available tonight…shhhh if you already know the location, it’s a secret!
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