Pavlov’s Dog

Pavlov’s Dog

28 faithful showed for a Beatdown that they thought would be quite predictable. But was it??

The Thang

Pre Ball of Man led by Agony

Mosey to Carmel Middle with 10 burpees at each speed bump stopping at the school building for a little of…..

Peoples Chair x 1 min
25 Merkins
Peoples Chair x 1 min
20 Squats
Peoples Chair x 1 min
10 Burpees

Mosey to LAX Field for some Burpee-laddered COP

1 Burpee
Imperial Walker
2 Burpess
Low Slow Squats
3 Burpees
4 Burpees
5 BUrpees
Jack Webbs
6 Burpees
I cant remember the rest but we went up to 11 burpees.

Partner up (size matters) and go to end of field.
Partner 1 carries P2 length of field then flapjack
Decline Partner Merkins 25×3

Variety of excercises led by members of the Pax who have never led a workout.

Mosey back to school with some Karaoke, Merkins and Burpees thrown in along the way.

It was clear to YHC during the workout that the pax have gotten way to comfortable with certain “routines” which has developed at DMZ. Examples: We often run into CMS with no stopping and head to the left for the bus parking lot to do COP. But today, YHC had us stop at each Sleeping Policeman for a few burpees. Then for those in the Pax who chose to pull ahead of YHC in the ensuing run, YHC decided to take a little different route in – throwing off the guys who chose to forge ahead on their own. Same thing on the way back. Mumblechatter about those front runners being like Pavlov’s dog thus inspired the name of this backblast.
Great job and welcome to FNG Kit Kat. And btw, where was Hops?? We kept looking for him to sneak into the workout at about 0610. But alas, no Hops to be found.
Lastly YHC will promise to continue wearing his “speed-controlled” head lamp. For those too afraid to wear their own, feel free to “borrow” the light and run behind.

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Skywalker author

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10 years ago

I was there. Good Q Skywalker. Funniest moment was when Dick Clark body-slammed Hamlet at the end of the partner carry or when Agony purposely tripped Kirk so to not be lagging behind as is his custom.

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