Monday Funday

Monday Funday

A dozen started the week of right w/ some KB fun.  Went something like this…

SSH x 25
Imperial Walker x 20
Merkins x 15
Mountain Climber x 20

Jog to field:
2 had swings x 10, sprint length of field, 10 merkins, sprint back
lunge walk 10 yds up field
plank row x 10 (left), sprint length of field, 10 burpees, sprint back
lunge walk 10 yds up field
plank row x 10 (right), sprint length of field, 30 mountain climbers, sprint back
lunge walk 10 yds up field
1 hand swing x 15 (left), sprint length of field, 10 merkins, sprint back
lunge walk 10 yds up field
1 hand swing x 15 (right), sprint length of field, 10 burpees, sprint back
lunge walk to  mid field

Circle up for Mary:
Flutter w/ KB press x 15
LBC w/ KB x 15
Mason Twists w/ KB x 15
Dying Cockroach w/ KB x 10
Rosalita x 15

To the Hill
Upright rows x 15, up hill for 10 merkins, back down
Overhead press x 15, up hill for 10 merkins, back down
Goblet squats x 15, up hill for 30 mountain climbers, back down
1 hand overhead press (left) x 10, up hill for 5 burpees, back down
1 hand overhead press (right) x 10, up hill for 5 burpees, back down
Horizontal KB rows x 15, up hill for 10 merkins, back down

To the school wall
Peoples chair w/ KB, hold for 30
Peoples chair, hold for 30, then 10 overhead press
Peoples chair, hold for 30, then 10 horizontal rows

Back home
KB deadlift squats x 20


Still looking for 8 more to fill out another BRR team. Contact Baracus
Spartan is 3/23
Mud Run teams have a few opening here and there, talk it up in COT,  Trying to
get total number for F3Nation to 500 participants…. were almost there so form a team.
Check website for Mentoring program, and get involved.  Email Champagne with questions.


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