Where is everyone?

Where is everyone?

Men all over Area 51 looked out the window when they awoke this morning and had a decision to make.  9 pax decided to deny the fartsack in order to get their daily downPAINment.  5 even showed up for the KB pre-work.

 Warm-up lap around the parking lot.  Throw in some high knees and butt kicks for good measure. 


  • 1 legged burpees x 7 each leg
  • Slerkin (slow merkin) x 15 (hold it)
  • Mountain Climber x 20 (hold it)
  • Plank walk CW/CCW
  • SSH x 25
  • Imperial Walkers x 24


Find a partner (size doesn’t matter) for merkinfest:

  • Partner A does 20 merkins while Partner B does squats until partner A is done. Flapjack.  Repeat with 19 merkins, then 18…all the way down to 1. That’s 210 merkins each.
  • Star-plank until everyone finishes

Mosey over to concession area.

  • People’s chair x 60 sec.
  • Wall plank (keep it as horizontal as possible) x 20 sec.
  • Wall mountain climbers x 10
  • Rinse and repeat

Welcome, Skywalker.  Glad you could join us.  You should knock out 210 merkins to catch up.

Jog down to the track and gather by bleachers.  Run ½ way around track to other bleachers and complete called exercise until last guy finishes 20 reps.  Run ½ way around track back to starting point and complete same called exercise until last guys finishes 20 reps.  Repeat for a total of 4 laps around track.  Called exercises:

  • Lap 1 – Ski Abs x 20
  • Lap 2 – Heels to Heaven x 20
  • Lap 3 – Dolly x 20
  • Lap 4 – Flutter x 20

1 minute left – 10 burpees OYO



  • The strong thunderstorms rolling through Charlotte at about 2 a.m. must have caused most to second-guess their plans to post this morning.  If it makes you feel better, there was only a light drizzle for a few minutes of the KB workout, then no rain the rest of the workout.
  • So, Bananas sends out a tweet yesterday for the KB pre-work at Death Valley this morning.  There was even mention of a focus on arms so clearly he had a plan in mind.  Good Hands stops to pick up Bananas at his house this a.m., texting him to come on.  Nothing, dark, no sight of Bananas!
  • Skywalker sets a new Area 51 record for being late to a workout.  He strolled in at about 5:55, which most pax (YHC included) would question should they even bother posting.  Glad you decided to post anyway.  You still owe us 210 merkins. 


  • F3 Mentoring program will be launching soon (details:  http://f3nation.com/2014/02/12/f3-mentoring-program-2014/).  Reach out to Skywalker if you have any questions.
  • HDHH tonight, 6 pm at The Lodge – Check Twitter this afternoon
  • Blue Ridge Relay sign-ups going on now.  Don’t miss out!  Contact Baracus to sign up or with questions.

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Stage Coach author

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Good Hands
10 years ago

Great lead today, Stagecoach! My upper body is totally smoked. 225 merkins on top of the pre-kb workout was brutal!

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