14 Strong and a True FNG moved some weight, some humans and some logs today at SPEARHEAD
The Thang
10 Stations:
1- 15 Pull Ups
2- Merkins
3- Sandbag Squat Thrust Press (side-to-side)
4- Kettle Bell Swing
5- Farmer Carry up hill (2) Kettle Bells
6- Tea Bag Squats
7- Reverse Bear Crawl up hill
8- Bicep Curl with dumbbells
9- Burpees
10- Monkey Humpers
11 – Burpees
12 – Monkey Humpers
13 – Burpees
14 – Monkey Humpers
The Pull up was the timer. When Pax finished 15 pull ups, everyone rotated to the next station
7 Rounds in “AUDIBLE”
YHC called remaining guys on the end 10-14 to get every Log we had in the woods:
Telephone Pole Work: Telephone Pole, 2 Man Log, 3 (1) person Logs
Split into two Teams: Alpha and Bravo (7 on each team)
Round 1:
Alpha Team was Timer:
– Low Crawl x 120 yards
Bravo Team:
– Shoulder-to-Shoulder Pole Press x 20
– Hold Pole above heads x 10 Seconds
– Shoulder-to-Shoulder Pole Press x 10
Bravo Team was Timer:
– Low Crawl x 120 yards
Alpha Team:
– Shoulder-to-Shoulder Pole Press x 20
– Hold Pole above heads x 10 Seconds
– Shoulder-to-Shoulder Pole Press x 10
Round 2:
Alpha Team was Timer:
– Bear Crawl x 120 yards
Bravo Team:
– Good Mornings with Pole x 10
– Side-to-side right with pole x 5, left x 5
– Good Mornings with Pole x 5
Bravo Team was Timer:
– Bear Crawl x 120 yards
Alpha Team:
– Good Mornings with Pole x 10
– Side-to-side right with pole x 5, left x 5
– Good Mornings with Pole x 5
Infractions!!!! ( Teams weren’t stayinh together and mumble chatter was indicating the workout needed a boost)
(8) Count Body Builders x 15
On Your Belly, On Your Back, On Your Feet
In Cadence: “On Your Belly” (Forward Leaning Rest Position)
“On Your Back” (Swivel from Forward Leaning Rest in one motion to Laying on Back)
“On Your Feet” (Similar to Turkish Get Up)
Cadence went as Follows: On your belly, On your back, On your feet. During this cycle, we would pause and perform exercises at key moments of the cadence
On your belly, on your back on your feet x 9
On your belly…pause Merkins x 10
On your back…Flutter Kicks x 20
On your feet
Rinse and Repeat x 3 Cycles
Partner Carry – Catch Me if You Can…Really??? – Yup!
Teams of 3
P1- Carry P2; P3 Dollys x 25 – P3 Runs to P1&2 picks up P2 and P1 Performs Dolly’s x 25
Flapjack/Rinse and Repeat ¼ Mile
Tunnel of Love x 50 yards
Shimmy Shim Shim x 10 yards
This routine wasn’t as physically taxing as a typical Hoff special and I hope we did enough for you guys. Having a knee injury made it a little difficult to plan the workout and YHC had to call an audible 10 minutes in as the planned routine wasn’t quite working out. The Pax surprised us with 14 and what was planned was only written out for 8…but sometimes, these “on-the-fly routines can actually work out well.
Strong work all around from the Pax. Welcome to our 2 FNG’s today and we look forward to helping getting you guys and all others prepared for the GORUCK Custom which is quickly approaching and will be here before you know it!
SPEARHEAD is a site dedicated to GORUCK preparation. Some of the things we do are unconventional by design. Some routines focus solely on smoking your cardio, strength and muscle endurance. Others target mileage under heavy weight (Thursday mornings at 04:45) and some, like today, give you a mix of a few things the Cadre’s may throw at you (i.e. Shimmy, Shim, Tunnel of Love, Backwards Bear Crawl, Partner Carry, etc). You never know what to expect when you post at SPEARHEAD, our guys a little out there…(I believe I heard someone, maybe DK or Liquor Cycle asking to get in a creek today…lol you guys are awesomely insane), but we love what we do and welcome all to come and see what a taste of GORUCK is like. We promise you’ll leave tired and dirty.
As always it is an honor to lead you today.
The Hoff
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