Can’t start without a Wingman fly-by

Can’t start without a Wingman fly-by

It is President’s Day and what better place to start than the Foxhole?

It started a lot like this, 5:30 and Philmont’s just rolling in.  We took a lap around the parking lot to warm the legs and give Philmont a chance to get out of the car.  On the second corner, Wingman decides to grace us coming in on two wheels as usual. Once Wingman joined us we were 15 and ready for the beat down to begin.

To the grassy field for warm-up COP

– SSH x 30

– back lunge x 20

– IW x 20

– fwd lunge x 10

– Toe touches x 20

Partner up for catch me if you can down to the field the long way

– 5 merkins then catch partner

Circle up in the lush fake grass field for COP

– 2 handed swings x 20

– Merkins with alternating hand on KB x 20

– 2 handed swings x 10

– Clean & Press x 20 alternating hands

– 2 handed swings x 30

– Merkins with alternating hand on KB x 20

– Clean & Press x 20 alternating hands

– 2 handed swings x 40

– Merkins with alternating hand on KB x 20

– Clean & Press x 20 alternating hands

Line up on side line

– Plank carry the KB to mid-field & ball dragger (duck walk) to other side line

– LBC w/ KB x 40

– Plank carry the KB to mid-field & ball dragger (duck walk) to other side line

– Dying cockroach w/ KB x 40

Head to the playground for back-o-rama

–       Partner 1: Pull ups AMRAP

–       Partner 2: Shoulder shrugs fwd x 20

–       Flapjack

–       Partner 1: Pull ups AMRAP

–       Partner 2: Renegade rows x 10 each arm

–       Flapjack

–       Partner 1: Pull ups AMRAP

–       Partner 2: Renegade rows x 10 each arm

Back to cars for LBC’s and COT

The Moleskin:

– Welcome to Stump Hugger for his first post at the Foxhole.  Nice work!  Keep coming out brother. Glad to have you.

– Strong work by all this morning.  Don’t know if it was coming back after so many snow days or whether everyone was just reflecting on all the past Presidents, but there was limited mumblechatter out there today.  There may have even been some cricket noises.

– As always, it is great to share the gloom with you guys.  Not too many places YHC would rather be at 5:30 on a Monday morning than in the Foxhole with the Sons of Ballantyne.


– Mighty Mite and Market Timer are looking for another mud run team member.  Haggis is out to attend a surprise wedding (or at least a surprise to him).

– Sign up for BRR and GoRuck challenge.  Just do it. You will be glad you did (afterward).


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Honey Bee author

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