Eight Summit Olympus

Eight Summit Olympus

shining jack frozen

When: 2/15/14

QIC: Baracus and Gullah

The PAX: Swiss Miss (Site FNG), Night Court, Lab Rat, Southpaw (2.0), Fletch, Big League Chew (WD), Baracus (QIC), Gullah (QIC and YHC).

8 PAX showed up to escape cabin fever and embrace the semi-icy conditions at Olympus; here’s what we did:

Baracus on Q:

Warm up:

-1 lap around the parking lot to get the blood flowing

-Halos x 10 in each direction

-Around the World x 10 in each direction

-Figure eight x 20 total

KB/Bodyweight Strength Circuit:

-AMRAP in 5 minutes of 15 two handed KB swings/5 burpees.

-AMRAP in 5 minutes of 15 sumo squats/5 burpees

-AMRAP in 5 minutes of 10 reps per arm overhead press/5 burpees

-AMRAP in 10 minutes of 10 squat cleans/5 reps per arm renegade rows/10 reps overhead lunge

Gullah on Q:

-move to the curb for 1 minute of skip ups

Then circle back up for:

-Regular two handed KB swings x 20

-Overhead two handed KB swings x 20

-Alternating one-handed KB swings x 20

-KB rack x 15 each side

Run 1 lap around parking lot

-KB rack and hold x 10 each side

-Squat & press x 15 each side

-KB lunges x20

-Lunge & KB rotation x15 per leg

1 minute of curb skip ups

-tricep extensions x 20

-upright rows x 20

On the wet pavement for:

-Lat pullovers x 15

-Greg Louganis x 15

-LBC x 20

-Flutter w/KB press

PAX backsides are wet & cold so a request was made to audible to Good Mornings x20

Time is 8:00 so that’s a wrap.


Great effort out there this morning guys. Hands were getting very wet and cold and everyone pushed through. Good encouragement in the first half from BLC and Night Court. Everyone enjoyed the tunes provided by Baracus and there was even some singing heard. YHC tried to implement some new movements, but had to audible due to poor performance, mainly the combo lunges and one arm KB swings #don’tdowhatyoucan’tQ. Great to have Southpaw back out there and site FNG Swiss Miss. Always good to have Lab Rat the exercise scientist there to make sure correct form is followed. I think Fletch got a little impatient with YHC at one point when there was a little lull in the action and he asked “What do you have for us next Gullah?  Missed having The Hoff out there, hope that knee feels better soon brother. Contact Baracus to sign up for the BRR and we have the GRC coming up in March. Thanks to Night Court for the great prayer to take us out.

Always a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men.

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Lab Rat author

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