Fifty and Counting…

Fifty and Counting…

8 brave souls showed up to endure the brutality of a workout led by a newly-turned 50 year old man who apparently doesn’t want to grow old. Man, I’m old enough to be of these guys’ fathers….Anyway, good workout…hard to do 50 reps with a kettlebell (“KB”) so the focus was on a full body experience.  Mission accomplished i think.

Workout:: Quick lap around the parking lot; SSH x 50, Run in place KB toe touches for 50 count, 2-arm swing X 20, Goblet squats x 20, Bent over rows X 15 each arm, Merkins x 30, Burpees with KB snatch/press X 10 each arm. Mosey to jungle gym area>

6 exercises – 2 sets each:  Plank with upright row X 10 each arm; Dips w/ KB in lap X 15; 10 pullups, 15 Merkins, Squats with KB press X 10 each arm, Bicept curls X 20. Mosey to brick wall>

Peoples Chair with KB (4 sets): 50 second hold w/KB between legs (a/ka/ “sack draggers”); upright row X 15 followed by 1-leg holds for 10 count; 1-armed curl + overhead press X 5 each arm; 50 second sack draggers.  Mosey to soccer field>

Mary: LBC w/KB press X 25; Dolly w/KB press X 25; Flutter w/KB press X 25; Heels to Heaven X 15; Dying cock roach w/KB overhead to knees X 15; Mason twist w/KB X 15; the Mighty Mite Twist w/KB X 12.  Mosey to sidelines. 15 KB Squats, sprint to other sideline, 15 Merkins. 15 Curls, sprint, 15 Merkins.  Mosey to parking lot.

Finished with 50 Burpees. haha – Dropped the “0” (that’s only 5 !!)

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Frehleys Comet author

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