Bear Crawls and Snow Angels, Oh My!

Bear Crawls and Snow Angels, Oh My!

7 men gathered in the frosty gloom to do some work. The snow was used as a workout implement in its own right.

The Thang:

Warmup run around school – Long way via sidewalk.

Side-Straddle Hops x 60

Imperial Walkers x 60

20 Burpees on your own.

Mountain climbers x 30 (?)

Mosey to track for:

Bear-crawl for 10-count (each hand placement is 1), 5 merkins x 1/8 mile lap around track.

Plank/Right hand high/Regular/Left hand high/Regular/Elbows

Crab-crawl for 10-count (each hand placement is 1), 5 flutter kicks x 1/8 mile lap around track.

LBC’s x 60

Line up on snow-covered field inside track:

On your belly/On your back/On your feet x Plenty (How does one count these?)

8-count Bodybuilders x 10

Line up on edge of snowy field:

Low crawl across field x 25 yards

Plank-Flip Merkins across field x 25 yards

Snow-Angels x 20 (Yeah, I went there.)

Flutter kicks x 30

20 Burbees on your own.



Lots of chatter heard today regarding the somewhat atypical choice of exercises selected by YHC. This is what you get when it’s 12 degrees out and the Q’s brain is fuzzy. Feel free to add commentary below, my brain wasn’t retaining much during the workout. Oh, and don’t worry, we’ll catch up on burpees in the spring, promise.


Be there for Chico’s virgin Q at Governator next week, come out and support a brother.

Signups for the BRR are ongoing currently, check with Baracus for more information.

Anytime is a good time to start training for a Goruck, just do it. Sign up. Get bricks. Train hard. That is all.



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Donkey Kong author

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10 years ago

1. 12 degrees = instant CSAUP
2. Never wanted side straddle hops or imperial walkers to end as bad as I did today. 60 each was large order.
3. 1/8 of a mile 10-count bear crawl/5 Merkin felt like a mile!
4. Never done fewer exercises in 45 minutes and hurt like that.

Stage Coach
10 years ago

Ditto, Bugeater. My face is still thawing out, and I love the way my sweatshirt stuck to the track pavement on the flutters…sounded like velcro when I got up.

T-claps to DK on the Q. Also, I’m impressed the backblast is longer than 5-6 lines since that’s about how many exercizes we did.

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