8 Men got covered in grass today as YHC began preparing the SPEARHEAD group for the next upcoming GORUCK Challenge on Feb. 7. It was time to kick it up a notch, test our strength and make this routine a little bit of a mental workout as well. Some of the things we did out there today were completely new and took us some time to figure it out.
The Thang
ALL Exercises Performed with Challenge Weight + Ruck
On Your Belly, On Your Back, On Your Feet
In Cadence: “On Your Belly” (Forward Leaning Rest Position)
“On Your Back” (Swivel from Forward Leaning Rest in one motion to Laying on Back)
“On Your Feet” (Similar to Turkish Get Up)
Cadence went as Follows: On your belly, On your back, On your feet. During this cycle, we would pause and perform exercises at key moments of the cadence
On your belly, on your back on your feet x 9
On your belly…pause Merkins x 20/ Elbow Planks – up to Regular- down to Elbow Planks x 10
On your back…Flutter Kicks
On your feet…Squats x 20
Rinse and Repeat x 5 Cycles. 18 x 5 = 90 moves
Indian Run: GORUCK Style – Pax had 1 Infraction which paid 20 Squats
Telephone Pole Work:
Inverted Tunnel of Love with Telephone Pole x 100 yards
– Pax laid on backs with Rucks on stomach
– Shoulder to Shoulder
– Pax as a team moved Pole down the field (Pole being in the top motion of a Bench Press the entire time
– Pax on end Hop up and run to end of the line, lay back down on back
– Rinse and repeat
Sniper Drill x 100 Yards
Donkey Kong call next exercise- BIG Mistake: Low Crawl x 100 yards
Backwards Bear Crawl– WITH TELEPHONE POLE ON FEET (2 PAX at a time…others Rotate on and off) x 100 Yards
Team 500 Reps
– Each person calls out exercise and performs until failure
Hoff – Overhead Ruck Press x 50
Donkey Kong – Flutter Kicks x 100
Check Point- Squats x 100
Chicken Wing – LBC x 100
Donkey Kong– SSH x 80
Hoff – Bicep Curl x 40 / Tricep Extensions x 30
This routine wasn’t as physically taxing as a typical Hoff special and I hope we did enough for you guys. In comparing to the 1/14 routine, this one wasn’t nearly as difficult however that pole added something new and hope that we took something away from it today.
– Today was a taste of what to expect from a Welcome Party at a GORUCK Challenge. With our next event less than2 weeks out, it is our mission to get these guys mentally and physically prepared for the 12-14 hours of hell they we about to go through. T-Claps to the entire group as even though only a handful of us are doing the challenge, you hung in there and embraced the Suck even though you are not preparing for a challenge…that is the TRUE DEFINITION OF TEAMWORK
– We learned today that we should never let DK chime in when asked what he’d like to do next. He looked over at us and called out 100 yards of low crawl. In a chuckle I mentioned that I had it planned to low crawl with the Telephone pole when we got back to the end zone –he didn’t care and called it out anyway
– Liquor Cycle hurt his back today because apparently a 30lbs sandbag is really heavy for him as he turned the wrong way during the Indian Run – which was more like a walk. Get well LC, we can’t have one of our strongest guys med drop out of the Challenge
– Crab Cakes is on a mission to get his Pathfinder patch as when we rolled up at 05:15, he had already rucked 3 miles and rucked 3 more after the routine. Keep moving big man!
– Telephone poles are not meant to be moved while lying on your back. It was mentally challenging more so than physically challenging because it kept rolling and was destined to take out someone’s teeth, but thankfully we figured it out and worked well as a team
– Chicken Wing needs to get an actual ruck so that he is monetarily committed and will have to show up and ruck more…today he tore his Wal Mart $25 ruck…guess we know why it was $25, but it looks cool
– Angler is a warhorse as always
– Check Point is helping to launch Atlanta F3 Tomorrow – Good luck with the flight this afternoon and best of luck brother
– Clueless continues to do every exercise with a huge smile. I think he has found his Chi at SPEARHEAD
As always it is an honor to lead you today.
The Hoff
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