Pushmi-Pullyu sighted on fateful expedition

Pushmi-Pullyu sighted on fateful expedition

When: 1/24/2014

QIC: Lab Rat (YHC) on Q

The PAX: Lobster Roll, Oswald, Blue Rhino, Spandex, Baracus, Lab Rat (QIC)

Six hearty souls enjoyed some heavy work while on an excursion.


Mosey to the track, one lap, ending at the 50 yrd line


  • SSH x 21
  • IW x 21
  • Merkins x 9
  • Mtn climbers x 21
  • Pendulum plank x 21
  • Wind mills x 21
  • Arm/shoulder rotations x 15 (ea direction)
  • Low slow squats x 15
  • Bear crawl to end zone with 5 merkins every 5 yrds

9’s on G-Mother Mtn. Partner up, size matters

  • Power lunges x 9 ea foot (at the bottom of G-Mtn.)
  • Sprint to the building at the top. At the top P1 holds P2’s ankles as if doing a wheelbarrow. P1 does 9 merkins; flapjack.
  • Run down to the play structure, pull-ups x 9
  • Run to the bottom, plank until all PAX return
  • Repeato x 1 with wide arm merkins 2nd time.

Mosey to the end zone for Pushmi-Pul-yu. Reclaim partner

P1 pushes P2 to the 30 yrd line, P2 resists. At the 30 yrd line Turkish Getups: P1 pulls P2 up 9 x R side.

  • Flapjack back to end zone.
  • Repeato x 1 (Turkish Getups 9 x L the 2nd time)

P1 pulls P2 to the 30 yrd line, P2 resists. At the 30 yrd line Turkish Getups: P1 pulls P2 up 9 x R side.

  • Flapjack back to end zone.
  • Repeato x 1 (Turkish Getups 9 x L the 2nd time)


Line up along the goal line

  • PAX 1 calls out a Mary exerc, PAX 1 sprints to the 30 yrd line and back while remaining PAX do said exerc
  • Repeato, each PAX to call an exerc and sprint

Bleacher run with called exerc at the bottom

  • Jump squats x 9, sprint to the top and return
  • Derkins x 9, sprint to the top and return
  • Dips x 9, sprint to the top and stay
  • Pullups on the play structure x 9
  • Extra credit planking

Mosey back to the parking lot



Unlike Captain Shackleford’s fateful expedition, there was no chance that the F3 PAX would succumb to frost bite. Our invigorating expedition provided us with the thermal inertia necessary to withstand the not so harsh environmental conditions.

During our journey to the field one PAX was overheard to say, “Just keep running past Grand Mother.” YHC’s Reply: “Not a chance! We’ll be back to see her soon enough.” A lively COP got us underway. The 5 x 5 bear crawl (crowd pleaser) for 50 yards set the tone for events to come. The brisk work schedule on Grand Mother Mtn didn’t disappoint. Upon our return to the field the PAX became familiar with the Pushmi-Pullyu. Thank you @F3_Gump for teaching YCH how to spot the elusive Pushmi-Pullyu in the gloom.

YHC thanks the PAX for the opportunity to lead this AM.

“Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you’re willing to pay the price.” Vince Lombardi

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10 years ago

Nice (and creative) lead today Lab Rat! Only second time and already writing backblasts like a true veteran!

10 years ago

What workout was this Lab Rat? Joust?

Reply to  Lab Rat
10 years ago

Looked like a painful morning. Nice work. Jump squats before running up the bleachers…at the end of the workout?! Diabolical. Love it!

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