> 13 Pax showed at the Maul this chilly morning, a few stragglers thought about fartsacking but they listened to their consciences and joined in for some pain (better late than never)
> The Thang:
> Q promised lots of movement and that is what we got
> -SSH X25, IW X20, Mountain Climbers X20, Merkins X20.
> -10 additional SSH to welcome the late comers and get them warmed up.
> Mosey to the Cantina
> -Merkins X15 run to the island 10 burpees and run back with plank o rama in between
> -Round 2 wise arm merkins, run with 10 burpees at the island and back, southern gentleman and northern aggressor in between
> -Round 3 diamond merkins X10 run, 5 burpees and back with star plank at the end
> Mosey to the fountain for 2 groups
> Group 1 runs both buildings while group 2 does dips, flapjack
> 1 runs while 2 does slow deep squats and flapjack
> Group one runs one building while 2 does jump ups, flapjack
> Last time one runs while 2 does ab knee ups and flap jack
> Mosey to behind target for peoples chair with air presses, round two was deeper peoples chair with air presses X20
> to the speed bumps:
> Lunge walk to the first, 10 carolina dry docks then bear crawl to next speed bump, continue until the end.
> Protractor until all finish
> Next was some hill work. Up the hill for Jack Webb up to 5 reps with 20 presses. (PAX was not fooled even though Q tried to throw everyone off by saying 3X4 =9)
> Down the hill to the bottom for Jack Webb in reverse (4 down to 1 merkins with air presses)
> Mosey to the start for Mary led by Mighty Mite.
> Tclaps to the PAX for braving the cold. Special Tclaps to Tiger Rag who sported only black silk boxers and an orange T shirt.
Posted on behalf of Fish Taco
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