27 PAX (1 FNG) stepped out in the cold and quickly began to shred layers as they felt the warmth. The following workout provided the pain:
10 burpees for those who came to the KB preworkout and 15 burpees for those who did not show up till 5.30am.
Quick jog through the woods to Davey park parking lot and circle up for COP
* SSH X 15 (IC)
* Slow Squat X 15 (IC)
* Mountain Climbers X 15 (IC)
The blood was flowing so the work began…
Partner up – Partner one did excercise while partner two ran around parking lot island then flap jack. Here were the excercises…
* Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Decline Merkins
* Jump ups on bench, Calf raises, Jump Squats
* Heels to Heaven, Mason Twist, LBC
* Pull ups, Carolina Dry Dock, Plank 6″
Called an audible for 10 more burpees for those who came to KB pre workout and 15 burpees for those who didnt show till 5.30am.
Jogged back through woods to hill by baseball field – found partner again…
* partner one did merkins at bottom of hill while partner two jogged up hill and did five burpees. Flapjack. Repeat twice.
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