9 Men got soggy and full of cold wet grass today as YHC began preparing the SPEARHEAD group for the next upcoming GORUCK Challenge on Feb. 7. It was time to kick it up a notch, test our strength, stamina and willpower.
The Thang
Warm up: ALL Exercises Performed with Challenge Weight + Ruck
Belly, (6) Count Body Builder, On Your Back, On Your Feet
In Cadence: “On Your Belly” (Forward Leaning Rest Position)
“(6) Count BB “ (8 Count Body Builder minus the standing part…Plank Jack/Merkin)
“On Your Back” (Swivel from Forward Leaning Rest in one motion to Laying on Back)
“On Your Feet” (Similar to Turkish Get Up)
Cadence went as Follows: On your belly, 1,2,3,4,5,6, on your back, on your feet…on your belly, 1,2,3,4,5,6 on your back, on your feet, on your belly, 1,2,3,4,5,6, on your back, on your belly, 1,2,3,4,5,6, on your back, on your belly 1,2,3,4,5,6, on your back, on your feet
Rinse and Repeat x 5 Cycles. 18 x 5 = 90 moves
Telephone Pole Circle of Pain:
Partner up.
– First Team of 2 Carry Pole ¼ Mile around Track
– PAX performes exercises to hit 200 Reps while Pole makes it’s way around track
– IF PAX isn’t completed with 200 Reps, Pole Team must OVERHEAD PRESS POLE until PAX finishes 200 Reps
– 8 Guys, 4 Teams, 4 Series of Exercises
– Every time there is a Pole hand-off, PAX changes exercises
– Those on pole perform the exercise they missed until all have gone and all have completed 800 Total reps
Ruck Pole 1/4 Mile
Round 1: Ruck Front Squat x 100
Ruck Overhead Press x 100
Ruck Pole 1/4 Mile
Round 2: Thrusters x 100
Merkins x 100
Ruck Pole 1/4 Mile
Round 3: Lunge x 100
Dolly x 100
Ruck Pole 1/4 Mile
Round 4: Bicep Ruck Curl x 100
Tricep Extension x 100
Tunnel of Love WITH 45LBS Kettle Bell
-Form up Shoulder-to-Shoulder facing school
– Kettle Bell moves with Pax through Tunnel
– Width of Football Field
Bear Crawl WITH 45LBS Kettle Bell
-Form up Shoulder-to-Shoulder facing other sideline
– Kettle Bell moves with Pax passing from one person to another while moving
– Width of Football Field
-Move as 1 unit, 1 team in unison
Human Crowd Surf
-Lay Down Shoulder-to-Shoulder facing school looking up at stars
– One at a time, PAX fall backwards and land on PAX that were on the ground
– Move human body across PAX
– Next PAX goes, and so on…
– Width of Football Field
– Today was a brutal taste of what to expect from a Welcome Party at a GORUCK Challenge. With our next event only 3-4 weeks out, it is my mission to get these guys mentally and physically prepared for the 12-14 hours of hell they we about to go through. T-Claps to the entire group as even though only a handful of us are doing the challenge, you hung in there and embraced the Suck even though you are not preparing for a challenge…that is the TRUE DEFINITION OF TEAMWORK…Just wished it didn’t rain as the M is going to be upset when she finds all the grass everywhere.
– Extra Strong Effort by our FNG, Clueless. This guy found out about SPEARHEAD through Google while he was researching GORUCK (there is something really cool to be said about the fact that we are being picked up on the internet when looking for GORUCK…PROPS BTB!!!….but that will have to be on another post)…so Back to Clueless…
– On the Web he found our site, saw the Event we had planned last week, which was a F2 Ruck though downtown Charlotte ending in NoDa. At our first stop, he ran over and greeted the team like he had known us his whole life. I remember thinking to myself, who is this guy, where did he come from and did I miss something??? Come to find out he was interested in what SPEARHEAD was doing and wanted to check us out. After the event we told him about F3 and SPEARHEAD and we gave him the name “Clueless” since he had no Clue what SPEARHEAD was all about and came out anyway.
– He was Head-locked by BTB and showed up for his first F3 workout today at SPEARHEAD….needless-to-say, this routine was not for the faint of heart and extremely challenging. It isn’t something we do all the time out there, but this guy hung in and crushed it like a champion. OUTSTANDING work Clueless and hope to see you at more posts!!!!
– On a side note, there was the most hilarious comment made today by our own War Daddy, Angler. Someone please help him in finding the most important “Spare Part” of all.
– Finally, back to GORUCK stuff. The Cadres are going to try and break your will. Just like today doing Belly, Back, Feet on hard cement, or carrying a ridiculous telephone pole around a track, or whether your clothes and body would get wet, cold and grassy, You can’t be thinking about stuff like being wet or uncomfortable…you can’t think about how tired you are or how much you want to quit…you can’t think of pain you are in…all you need to do is forget all that stuff for it is only temporary. Embrace the Suck and look to your team for help and support. It’s not about you at all, it’s not about how you feel or about how much you are doing…It’s all about the team. When that finally clicks, this training, preparation and all that we are doing will begin making perfect sense.
As always it is an honor to lead you today.
The Hoff
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