Written by and posted on behalf of Gummy (QIC)
Jog around school stopping for the occasional exercise
Mountain Climber
End next to small track
Murph (half)
4 laps around the track (1/2 mile), then run to playground (100 yards)
50 Pullups
100 Merkins
150 Squats
PAX broke reps down into 5/10/15 or 10/20/20
Run back to track and complete 4 laps
30 minutes left – woohoo!
Really slow mosey to benches next to school for:
10x dips
10x derkins
10x step ups
Repeat for 10 minutes
Meander (slower than a mosey) to back of the school for alternating People’s Chair and Plank-o-rama
In driveway behind school, team sprints
Team 1 AYG run to yellow gate (40 yds) and back. Team 2 goes when last member of team 1 crosses the line.
Repeat 4x
Same thing to pole with meter on it (60 yds) x 2
And to the far pole (100 yds) x 1
Mosey to the covered student drop off area for Mary
Flutter, Dolly, Protractor, Peter Parker, Freddie Mercury, Parker Peter
It was such a nice morning, then High Tide pulled up and said, “Did you look at the radar? We’re going to get soaked.” The wind picked up right at 7:00, the temp dropped 5 degrees and off we went into the downpour. Great work by the Ascent PAX working through the rain. It really never let up, just slowed down a little so it seemed that much worse when it picked back up. The 2.0s who joined up bailed after the Murph part of the workout and spent the rest of the workout in the car. Hoodies may look cool, but they aren’t so much fun when completely waterlogged.
The downside to doing half of the Murph is that we had 30 mins left in the workout. The guys slogged through some active recovery work on the benches and walls, and then got to it on the sprints behind the school. Strange Brew was killing it.
Great sendoff by Blitzen. We’re blessed to have the lives we do.
Baracus is gauging interest in this year’s Blue Ridge Relay. Contact him if you’re interested in learning more.
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