Warning…The Cold Attracts Cheeseheads

Warning…The Cold Attracts Cheeseheads

9 Men layered up to battle the cold at SPEARHEAD.  As we were getting our Rucks ready, the wind from the north blew in our very own Cheesehead…”You know a Cheesehead would come out in this weather, this is Great”..Iron Horse (or something like that)

The Thang:

Indian Run around the track with (2) 40lb coupons x 2 laps ½ Mile

Partner Up: P1 and P2 perform ALL rounds…meaning each do 10, then each do 9, 8, 7 reps…and so on until down to 1

Wide Merkin /Wide Squat Pyramid  

P1 Wide Merkins x 10 / P2 Wide Squats x 10

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 9 / P2 Wide Squats x 9 

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 8 / P2 Wide Squats x 8

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 7 / P2 Wide Squats x 7 

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 6 / Wide Squats x 6

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 5 / Wide Squats x 5

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 4 / Wide Squats x 4

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 3 / Wide Squats x 3 

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 2 / Wide Squats x 2

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 1 / Wide Squats x 1 

Flapjack for P2

Indian Run around the track with (2) 40lb coupons x 1 Lap 1/4 Mile

Diamond Merkin /Diamond Squat Pyramid  

P1 Diamond Merkins x 10 / P2 Close Squats x 10

 Flapjack for P2

P1 Diamond Merkins x 9 / P2 Diamond Squats x 9 

Flapjack for P2

P1 Diamond Merkins x 8 / P2 Diamond Squats x 8

Flapjack for P2

P1 Wide Merkins x 7 / P2 Wide Squats x 7 

Flapjack for P2

P1 Diamond Merkins x 6 / Diamond Squats x 6

Flapjack for P2

P1 Diamond Merkins x 5 / Diamond Squats x 5

Flapjack for P2

P1 Diamond Merkins x 4 / Diamond Squats x 4

Flapjack for P2

P1 Diamond Merkins x 3 / Diamond Squats x 3 

Flapjack for P2

P1 Diamond Merkins x 2 / Diamond Squats x 2

Flapjack for P2

P1 Diamond Merkins x 1 / Diamond Squats x 1 

Flapjack for P2

Indian Run around the track with (2) 40lb coupons x 1 Lap 1/4 Mile

8 Count Body Builders /Ruck Press or Ruck Curl  

P1 BB x 10 / P2 Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

P1 BB x 9 / P2 Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

P1 BB x 8 / P2 Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

P1 BB x 7 / P2 Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

P1 BB x 6 / P2Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

P1 BB x 5 / P2 Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

P1 BB x 4 / P2 Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

P1 BB x 3 / P2 Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

P1 BB x 2 / P2 Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

P1 BB x 1 / P2 Ruck Press non-stop or bicep curl non-stop

Flapjack for P2

Indian Run around the track with (2) 40lb coupons x 1 Lap 1/4 Mile

Farmer Carry Catch Me If You Can

Round 1: P1 Farmer Carry 2 Rucks; P2 LBC x 25 and Flutter x 25 ¼ Mile – rinse and repeat

Round 2: P1 Farmer Carry 2 Rucks; P2 Squat Thrusters x 5 ¼ Mile – rinse and repeat



This was a brutal day for the Pax.  YHC tried to come up with something that would keep us moving the whole time and strangely enough, as we were entering into the second half of the training, guys were talking about actually shedding a few layers of clothing.  STRONG work out there as we were generating a lot of heat.  So much in fact that when Checkpoint took off his jacket, the sweat he produced turned into ICE on this sweater underneath.  I’ve never seen sweat freeze like that, but Checkpoint informed us that when he climbed Mt. Killamajaro (yes, this guy talked about this today….lol) it was -32% and guys were constantly motivating each ohter to keep moving faster and faster. If they slowed down being tied to each other they ran the risk of not making it to the top or causing serious injury.

Similar teamwork was on display today.  Guys were motivating their brothers to keep pushing and since most of the routine was team based we were all accountable to each other…however I do have to say, Thank Goodness no one was watching our teamwork during the first lap of the Indian Run.  It looked more like ameoba out there than a straight line!

 T-Claps to Rev. Flo Rida for adding the vocals when the music froze out there!!  Not sure what we would have done without your lovely harmony

Wish I could type more but my hands are still defrosting.  Outstanding effort out there and SPEARHEAD guys proved that weather like this actually attracts us and doesn’t send us to the fartsack. 

As always, it was an honor a lead such strong men today.


The Hoff 


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11 years ago

Good work, this Q brought a little Good Livin to the Highlands Pax this morning. Bear Crawls, Low Crawls, Firman Carry, Inchworm Merkins. Winnebago and Gulfstream were under Ruck.

Reply to  The Hoff
11 years ago

The Pax were warned in advance that temps would not alter planned workout. Ground was not soft to say the least. Had to get some work in Cadre Dan has stated that Ft Bragg Heavy is going to be best ever (meaning suck levels of the charts)

BTB (Bob The Builder)
Reply to  Winnebago
11 years ago

Winnebago – we need to get you down to Q at SPEARHEAD South. You sound worse than a cadre!

Spread the word around the Highlands- SPEARHEAD Civil War. We are preparing for it down South. We expect it to be a highly challenging war between the regions.

Reply to  BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

Aye would love to Q down South, will have to see when I can as it is a hike for me. Getting there is no problem, it is getting home by 6:45 that presents a problem. Will happily Q up SPEARHEAD North.

Presently there are only 2 Highlands Pax who are active in Spearhead. We have others who have done Challenges in the past but I don’t believe they will be doing any of the upcoming events. But I am definitely interested as is Gulfstream.

BTB (Bob The Builder)
Reply to  Winnebago
11 years ago

Gulfstream was one of our original faithful to the Friday morning ruck workouts in Metro. I am glad to hear he is still at it up there in North.

Dallas is putting together the North Charlotte team for the Civil War challenge.
Schedule C is designing and impartially judging the actual challenge itself.
The Hoff is the South team leader.

I hope that you guys will be able to participate with us!

Reply to  BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

Yeah, Gulfstream and I have been doing rucks a few days a week (3-4 miles sometimes with coupons) which has been great, gets a little lonely doing it solo all the time, however I tend to go faster solo as I am not talking and can run under ruck a bit better than most (long strides).

He is signed up for the February and the Custom challenges and is really putting in the work.

BTB (Bob The Builder)
Reply to  Winnebago
11 years ago

I’ll be shadowing 2/7 GRC and 2/28 GRH (Bragg)

Myself, and most of the South guys are signed up for the Custom. Looking forward to it!

Reply to  BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

I may show up for the challenge for support but not fully shadow, also I will be doing Bragg Heavy and Cadre Dan has personally stated it will be different from any Heavy prior with new aspects, standards, something “special” and my guess is we will be breaking the 50 mile record the NYC Heavy did. Appears there will be 2x 12 mile timed rucks in addition to everything else. F3 brothers will have to work together as I am guessing a near Selection level of suck. At least Cadre Patrick doesn’t appear to be invold

BTB (Bob The Builder)
Reply to  Winnebago
11 years ago

That’s why I am looking forward to the shadow on 2/28. Planning a pretty epic shadow too. Have created a “Live Shadow” page on SPEARHEADf3.com which will show GPS position, live photo gallery, and periodic texted updates. Planning to shadow the entire challenge.

Dan was cool enough to allow me to do it, so I want to make sure it’s epic!

Reply to  BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

Brilliant! I am sure there will be a fair amount of interest amongst the Nation, to my knowledge only bunny has completed anything beyond a Challenge. I would say the M would have interest in following but she doesn’t want me doing it period, she just wants to know when I am done. Beyond Dora who else is making that trip?

BTB (Bob The Builder)
Reply to  Winnebago
11 years ago

Dora and Donkey Kong are HC to 2/28 GRH. Checkpoint is contemplating.

BTB and The Hoff are HC to shadow the entire challenge.

BTB (Bob The Builder)
11 years ago

This workout was a great time! I am glad that the wind really didn’t kick up like they had predicted.

It was kind of weird that more SPEARHEADs came out to this Tuesday workout than did last Tuesday… I guess they like the pain. #weirdos

It was great to see Iron Horse out for his second time in recent weeks. The cold weather somehow convinced him to drag his ruck out of storage. He couldn’t resist that Wisconsin style weather.

11 years ago

BTB- Thanks for coordinating with Dallas to get me my shirt and PT belt. Sounds like to SH Civil War #smacktalk is started. Hopefully I can participate. Also trying to join for the Brew Ruck, I’ll know for sure tomorrow. See you in the gloom

Winnebago- We should plan a post at Carmel, let’s get together and coordinate.

BTB (Bob The Builder)
Reply to  Gulfstream
11 years ago

No Problem, man! Sorry it took so long. Come on down and post with us, it’s early but it’s fun. We have three days every week regularly scheduled.

Be sure to get your name on the list for BREW Ruck so we will have a patch for you. They will be distributed at the event, so that’s why we need a head count up front.

Reply to  Gulfstream
11 years ago

@Gulfstream as I told BTB it isn’t about desire to post at Carmel it is about getting back home in time for helping with kids and get to work on time.

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